AJAX Full Form

What is the Full form of AJAX?

The full form of AJAX is the Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX is not a technology, but perhaps a technology group. It utilises many web applications to develop a set of strategies for web design. It operates on the client end to asynchronous development tools. We can send and extract information from the server asynchronously, i.e. without disturbing the current page on display, with the support of AJAX.

AJAX uses a blend of

  • XMLHttpRequest built-in browser object – To demand data from the webserver
  • HTML DOM and JavaScript – To showcase or use information

By exchanging data with a web server behind the scenes, AJAX enables web pages to be updated asynchronously. It implies that sections of a web page can be updated, without reloading the entire page.

History of AJAX

  • Earlier, all web pages were created using HTML only.
  • As they took a lot of time to reload the site each time, those were hard to use.
  • In 1996, Internet Explorer introduced the Iframe tag.
  • Jesse James Garrett stated the term AJAX publicly in an article titled “Ajax: A New Approach To web apps” on 18 February 2005.

Application of AJAX

  • AJAX can be used CSS & HTML for the presentation.
  • The DOM (Document Object Model) to showcase and interact dynamically with information.
  • JSON as well as XML for Data Interchange
  • XMLHttpRequest to communicate asynchronously

Limitations of AJAX

  • It will only be incorporated in the supporting browsers
  • Ajax doesn’t facilitate specific screen-reading techniques.
  • Some Ajax-supporting screen reading techniques will still be unable to read optimally generated content correctly.
  • Bookmarking and returning to a specific state of implementation is difficult.
  • It results in a complicated code that is difficult to maintain, to debug and also to code.


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