CPR Full Form

What is the full form of CPR?

The full form of CPR is Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation. In CPR, Cardio refers to the heart, Pulmonary refers to the lungs, and Resuscitation means to revive. CPR is often seen as a lifesaving method in emergency situations such as heart attacks or heart arrests. Cardiac arrest can be caused by a heart condition, suffocation, drowning, electrical shock etc. The CPR process requires a combination of rescue breathing and compression of the chest.

  • Rescue respiration offers oxygen to the individual’s lungs.
  • Compressions in the chest keep oxygen-rich blood flowing till the heartbeat and respiration can be restored.

Importance of CPR

  • Permanent death or brain injury will progress rapidly if blood circulation ceases. Hence, it is essential to maintain blood circulation and respiration until medically trained assistance arrives, and one can maintain blood flow by CPR.
  • CPR can be executed by any skilled individual, involving external chest compressions and respiratory rescue.
  • CPR is done within the first six minutes of heart-beat stops and can hold a person alive before medical care begins.
  • CPR is carried out until the heartbeat returns to normal or the patient is declared dead.

Safety Measure Of CPR

Few points to consider before performing CPR on the patient

  • Review the location, to ensure that it is secure to carry out the CPR procedure.
  • Understand whether the patient is conscious or unaware.
  • Request for emergency medical care as soon as possible.


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  1. Very nice