DST Full Form

What is the Full form of DST?

The full form of DST is the Department of Science & Technology. It is a division belonging to India’s Ministry of Science & Technology. It was formed on 3rd May 1971 to encourage new fields of science & technology and to serve as a core department in the country to organise, coordinate and promote the activities of science & technology.

Various Tasks Performed by DST

DST carries out various activities relating to particular projects and services, a few of that are listed below.

  • Formulates science and technology-based policies.
  • It manages issues relating to the SACC (Scientific Advisory Committee of the Cabinet).
  • Encourages new fields of science and technology with a specific focus on emerging areas such as the cultivation, processing & application of biofuels and the use of by-products for the production of value-added chemicals.
  • Coordinates the cross-sectoral links between the fields of science and technology.
  • Scientific and technical studies, research & development, are carried out or financially funded.
  • Manages & coordinates the Science & Technology Information System for Management.
  • Encourages science & technology via State Science and Technology Councils and related processes at the District, State & Village levels.

Various Streams of DST

DST introduced different streams that later developed themselves with focused goals and priorities as divisions or even ministries.

  • DBT (Department of Biotechnology)
  • DSIR (Department of Scientific and Industrial Research)
  • MoEF (Ministry of Environment and Forests)
  • MoES (Department of Earth Sciences)
  • DoE (Department of Electronics)


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