What is the full form of FORTRAN?

The full form of FORTRAN is the FORmula TRANslation. FORTRAN, created by John Backus in 1957, is the very first high-level programming language. It was fundamentally designed to write high-performance computing programming and is suited explicitly to computational computing & scientific applications requiring detailed math calculations in numerical computing. Translating math equations into code was the primary motive behind the architecture.

A brief history of FORTRAN

  • Programmers used the machine or assembly code before the FORTRAN invention to create an extremely complex and time-consuming program.
  • It led to the creation of FORTRAN, which was easy to learn, independent of the computer, easy for mathematical formulas, and ideal for all kinds of apps.
  • Since it was so more comfortable to test, developers could write the programs in FORTRAN 500 percent quicker than the prior incarnations.
  • The most famous versions of FORTRAN are FORTRAN IV & FORTRAN 77.
  • In 1966, FORTRAN IV had become a USASI standard and ANSI accepted FORTRAN 77 in 1978.
  • A new ISO & ANSI standard was created for FORTRAN, labelled FORTRAN 90, in the early 1990s.

Characteristics of the FORTRAN

  • The following are some of the main characteristics of this language:
  • Easy to learn and comprehend.
  • You can transport a program from one computer to a different machine.
  • It provides various natural forms for complex mathematical functions to be expressed.
  • In contrast to assembly or machine code, just about a 20 percent reduction in performance.
  • It enables programmers to manage storage allocation.
  • Compared to assembly or machine language, programmers do not have to layout code in rigidly defined columns.


  1. Easy to answer algebraic questions
  2. Scientific computing
  3. Numeric computing.


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