PCB Full Form

What Is the Full Form of PCB?

The full form of PCB is Printed Circuit Board. PCBs are electrical circuits constructed from a non-conductive material in the way of a thin board which entirely holds copper circuits such as plastics, fibreglass, composite epoxy, and so on. To connect various components, such as a transistor, resistors, IC (integrated circuits), and so on, it has conductive paths written on it. It offers mechanical support and a route for the current flow to its electronic parts.

PCBs have been used in all electronic and computing gadgets, like network cards, motherboards, graphics cards and internal hard drive circuit boards, including TV, digital cameras, laptops, mobile phones, and so on.

A Brief History of PCB

  • In 1936, Paul Eisler, an Austrian engineer, invented the printed circuit that was part of a radio set while he worked in the United Kingdom.
  • They were later used by the United States in the 2nd World War to build proximity fuzes. The USA published the invention for commercial purposes after the 2nd World War.
  • Year after year, they are updated, and today they are found in several electronic pieces of equipment.

Features of PCB

  • Its hall wall technology reinforces its potential.
  • Its surface-mounted technology reduces the components and assembles them on both sides of the board.
  • Its foundation or base are made of tough quality.
  • They consist of several layers and have their features for each layer.

Benefits of PCB

The advantages of the Printed Circuit Board are listed below.

  • Avoids short circuits and tight connexions
  • Low noise in electronics
  • Less expensive
  • Reworkable
  • Simple repairs and diagnostics
  • Increased span of life
  • The complexity of high circuits and Reliability

Limitations of PCB

The disadvantages of the Printed Circuit Board are listed below.

  • For fine pitch, not great
  • Thermal shock strike
  • Few PCB surfaces are costly


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