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ACID Properties in DBMS

In the transaction processing context, the ACID acronym refers to the four primary and essential properties of a transaction. These are atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability. In totality, the ACID properties of transactions provide a mechanism in DBMS to ensure the consistency and correctness of any database.

In this article, we will take a look at ACID Properties in DBMS according to the GATE Syllabus for CSE (Computer Science Engineering). Read ahead to learn more.

Table of Contents

What are ACID Properties in DBMS?

Transactions refer to the single logical units of work that access and (possibly) modify the contents present in any given database. We can access the transactions using the read and write operations.

If we want to maintain database consistency, then certain properties need to be followed in the transactions known as the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties. Let us discuss them in detail.

A – Atomicity

Atomicity means that an entire transaction either takes place all at once or it doesn’t occur at all. It means that there’s no midway. The transactions can never occur partially. Every transaction can be considered as a single unit, and they either run to completion or do not get executed at all. We have the following two operations here:

—Commit: In case a transaction commits, the changes made are visible to us. Thus, atomicity is also called the ‘All or nothing rule’.

—Abort: In case a transaction aborts, the changes made to the database are not visible to us.

Consider this transaction T that consists of T1 and T2: Transfering 100 from account A to account B.

In case the transaction fails when the T1 is completed but the T2 is not completed (say, after write(A) but before write(B)), then the amount has been deducted from A but not added to B. This would result in a database state that is inconsistent. Thus, the transaction has to be executed in its entirety in order to ensure the correctness of the database state.

C – Consistency

Consistency means that we have to maintain the integrity constraints so that any given database stays consistent both before and after a transaction. If we refer to the example discussed above, then we have to maintain the total amount, both before and after the transaction.

Total after T occurs = 400 + 300 = 700.

Total before T occurs = 500 + 200 = 700.

Thus, the given database is consistent. Here, an inconsistency would occur when T1 completes, but then the T2 fails. As a result, the T would remain incomplete.

I – Isolation

Isolation ensures the occurrence of multiple transactions concurrently without a database state leading to a state of inconsistency. A transaction occurs independently, i.e. without any interference. Any changes that occur in any particular transaction would NOT be ever visible to the other transactions unless and until this particular change in this transaction has been committed or written to the memory.

The property of isolation ensures that when we execute the transactions concurrently, it will result in such a state that’s equivalent to the achieved state that was serially executed in a particular order.

Let A = 500, B = 500

Let us consider two transactions here- T and T”

Suppose that T has been executed here till Read(B) and then T’’ starts. As a result, the interleaving of operations would take place. And due to this, T’’ reads the correct value of A but incorrect value of B.

T’’: (X+B = 50, 000+500=50, 500)

Thus, the sum computed here is not consistent with the sum that is obtained at the end of the transaction:

T: (A+B = 50, 000 + 450 = 50, 450).

It results in the inconsistency of a database due to the loss of a total of 50 units. The transactions must, thus, take place in isolation. Also, the changes must only be visible after we have made them on the main memory.

D – Durability

The durability property states that once the execution of a transaction is completed, the modifications and updates on the database gets written on and stored in the disk. These persist even after the occurrence of a system failure. Such updates become permanent and get stored in non-volatile memory. Thus, the effects of this transaction are never lost.

Uses of ACID Properties

In totality, the ACID properties of transactions provide a mechanism in DBMS to ensure the consistency and correctness of any database. It ensures consistency in a way that every transaction acts as a group of operations acting as single units, produces consistent results, operates in an isolated manner from all the other operations, and makes durably stored updates. These ensure the integrity of data in any given database.

Practice Problems on ACID Properties in DBMS

1. What are the four ACID properties of a transaction in DBMS?

a. Atomicity, Consistency, Inconsistent, Durability

b. Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Database

c. Automatically, Concurrency, Isolation, Durability

d. Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability

Answer – (d) Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability

2. Which of these does NOT refer to a transaction state in DBMS?

a. Terminated

b. Active

c. Partially committed

d. Aborted

Answer – (a) Terminated

3. Some transactions may not complete their execution successfully. These transactions are known as:

a. Closed

b. Terminated

c. Aborted

d. All the

Answer – (c) Aborted

4. Whenever a transaction finishes its final statement, it ultimately enters into this state:

a. Abort

b. Partially committed

c. Committed

d. Active

Answer – (b) Partially committed

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