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Lossy Decomposition in DBMS

Just like the name indicates, lossy decomposition is when a relation gets decomposed into multiple relational schemas, in such a way that retrieving the original relation leads to a loss of information. Thus, a lossy decomposition is bound to lose information.

In this article, we will take a look at the Lossy Decomposition in DBMS and its uses according to the GATE Syllabus for CSE (Computer Science Engineering). Read ahead to learn more.

Table of Contents

What is Lossy Decomposition in DBMS?

Let us consider a relation X. Let us now consider that it gets decomposed into n number of sub relations, X1, X2, X3, …, Xn. If we naturally join these sub relations, then we will either obtain the exact previous relation X or we will lose information in this process. In case we do not get the same relation X (that was decomposed) after joining X1 and X2, it is known as a lossy decomposition in DBMS.

The natural joining of these sub relations always has some extraneous tuples. In the case of a lossless decomposition, we can see that:

X1 ⋈ X2 ⋈ X3 ……. ⋈ Xn ⊃ X

Here, the operator ⋈ acts as a natural join operator.

Lossy Decomposition in DBMS with Example

Careless decomposition is another name for lossy join decomposition. It is because there is an introduction of various extraneous tuples in the sub relations’ natural join. These extraneous tuples make it very difficult to identify the original tuples.

Example 1

Let us look at a table of relations.


Cand_ID Cand_Name Cand_Age Cand_Location Sec_ID Sec_Name
HX001 Kevin 45 New York Sec1 Operations
HX001 Raymond 49 Los Angeles Sec2 HR
HX001 Marco 35 San Diego Sec3 Finance

Let us now decompose this table into two tables like this:


Cand_ID Cand_Name Cand_Age Cand_Location
HX001 Kevin 45 New York
HX001 Raymond 49 Los Angeles
HX001 Marco 35 San Diego


Sec_ID Sec_Name
Sec1 Operations
Sec2 HR
Sec3 Finance

Now, if we try to join both the tables mentioned above, we won’t be able to do it- since the relation Cand_ID isn’t part of the relation Sec_Details.

Thus, this relation mentioned here is a lossy decomposition.

Example 2

Let us now consider the relation X (P, Q, R).

1 2 1
2 5 3
3 3 3

Let us assume that this relation X (P, Q, R) gets decomposed into X1 (P, R) and X2 (Q, R) sub relations. These two sub relations would be:

X1 (P, Q)

1 2
2 5
3 3

X2 (Q, R)

2 1
5 3
3 3

Let us now check if this decomposition is lossy. Here, we must have:

X1 ⋈ X2 ⊃ X

Now, let us perform natural joining ( ⋈ ) of these sub relations X1 and X2, then we would get this result:

1 2 1
2 5 3
2 3 3
3 5 3
3 3 3

The relation obtained here isn’t similar to the X original relation. It consists of a few extraneous tuples.

Thus, X1 ⋈ X2 ⊃ X

Thus, in conclusion, the decomposition mentioned here is a lossy join decomposition.

Practice Problems on Lossy Decomposition in DBMS

1. Check whether this decomposition given is a lossy join decomposition.

Relational Schema = X (P, Q, R)


X1 (P, Q)

X2 (P, R)

Relational Schema

P1 Q1 R1
P2 Q1 R1
P1 Q2 R2
P1 Q3 R3


P1 Q1
P2 Q1
P1 Q2
P1 Q3
P1 R1
P2 R1
P1 R2
P1 R3

Answer: Lossy Decomposition

Solution: Now, if we want this decomposition to be lossy, then

X ⊂ X1 ⨝ X2

Thus, X1 ⨝ X2 will be equal to

P1 Q1 R1
P1 Q1 R2
P2 Q1 R1
P1 Q2 R2
P1 Q2 R1
P1 Q3 R3
P1 Q3 R1

Here, since X ⊂ X1 ⨝ X2,

Thus, this is a lossy join decomposition.

2. Check whether this decomposition given is a lossy join decomposition.



Stu_ID Stu_Name Stu_Age Stu_Location
D0ER4 Marcy 25 California
D0ER5 Philip 31 Texas
D0ER6 Carly 28 Florida



Stu_ID Stu_Name
D0ER4 Marcy
D0ER5 Philip
D0ER6 Carly


Stu_Age Stu_Location
25 California
31 Texas
28 Florida

Answer: Lossy Decomposition.

Solution: Now, if we try to join both the tables mentioned above, we won’t be able to do it- since the relation Stu_ID isn’t part of the relation Sec_Details.

Thus, this relation mentioned here is a lossy decomposition.



What is lossless decomposition in a database in DBMS?

Just like the name indicates, lossy decomposition is when a relation gets decomposed into multiple relational schemas, in such a way that retrieving the original relation leads to a loss of information. Thus, a lossy decomposition is bound to lose information.


How do you find lossy decomposition?

Let us consider a relation X. Let us now consider that it gets decomposed into n number of sub relations, X1, X2, X3, …, Xn. If we naturally join these sub relations, then we will either obtain the exact previous relation X or we will lose information in this process. In case we do not get the same relation X (that was decomposed) after joining X1 and X2, then it is known as a lossy decomposition in DBMS.
The natural joining of these sub relations always has some extraneous tuples. In case of a lossless decomposition, we can see that:
X1 ⋈ X2 ⋈ X3 ……. ⋈ Xn ⊃ X


What are the properties of decomposition in DBMS?

A lossless decomposition follows the following criteria in a database management system:

  • Dependency Preservation.
  • Lossless Decomposition.
  • Lacks and kind of Data Redundancy.

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