The SQL Comments are primarily used to explain the various sections of an SQL statement. These help in the prevention of various statements in SQL. Comments matter a lot in various programming languages. Remember that a Microsoft Access DB (database) doesn’t support the comments. Thus, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox make use of the Microsoft Access database to make it work.

In this article, we will dive deeper into the COMMENTS in SQL according to the GATE Syllabus for (Computer Science Engineering) CSE. Keep reading ahead to learn more.

Table of Contents

What are COMMENTS in SQL?

In any programming language, comments always matter a lot. Similarly, it matters in SQL too. We will learn more about how to write comments in an SQL snippet in this set.

The comments could be written in three formats:

  1. Single line
  2. In line
  3. Multi line

Single line comments

Those comments that start and end in just a single line are termed as single line comments. In this case, the line that starts with ‘–‘ would be a comment. It would not be executed at all.


Here is how the syntax of the single line comments goes:

— single line comment

— some other comment

SELECT * FROM Consumers;

Multi line comments

Those comments that start in one line and then end in different lines are termed as the multi-line comments. In this case, the line that starts with ‘/*’ will be considered as the starting point of the comment, while it will terminate when ‘*/’ is encountered.


Here is how the syntax of the multi line comments goes:

/* multi line comment

some other comment */

SELECT * FROM Consumers;

In line comments

The in-line comments are basically an extension of the multi-line comments. These comments could be stated between the statements. These are enclosed between the ‘/*’ and the ‘*/’ symbols.


Here is how the syntax of the in line comments goes:

SELECT * FROM /* Consumers; */

More Examples

Multi line comment ->

/* SELECT * FROM Employees;


SELECT * FROM Clients; */

SELECT * FROM Projects;

In line comment ->

SELECT * FROM Employees;


SELECT * FROM Clients;

SELECT * FROM */ Projects;

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