ICSE Biology Class 10 Textbook PDF

ICSE Biology for class 10 is a quite vast subject, and the set of questions asked in the board exams is also quite difficult when compared to the other boards in the country. Textbooks for ICSE Biology class 10 have always been the storehouse of knowledge, and students should refer to these books for a better understanding of each topic. The chapters that are covered in the ICSE Biology class 10 books are The Circulation System, Nervous System, Transpiration, Circulation System, Reproductive System etc. While preparing for the exams, students should always practise diagrams and related questions, which are given at the end of each chapter; it would help them to score better marks in the board exams. Here is a list of the reference textbooks for ICSE Biology class 10, which is updated according to the latest ICSE curriculum.

ICSE Class 10 Biology Books

Sl No. Books Authors
1. A Textbook Class 10 Biology Anita Prasad
2. Concise ICSE Textbook for Class 10 Biology Selina Publication

ICSE is governed by the CISCE (Council for the Indian School of Certificate Examination) body which was established in the year 1958. ICSE conducts board exams for Class 10th, which are important stages in the student’s life as these marks are asked during the admissions to different schools and colleges.

Also, access Selina Class 10 Solutions


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