Understanding the structure of the question papers and the allocation of marks to each of the chapters is one of the crucial steps the students need to take towards their exam preparations. With the help of Jharkhand Board Class 12 Question Papers that we have provided here, you will be able to do just that.
Stay tuned with BYJU’S, we are in the process of updating the latest question papers.
Marking Scheme and Types of Questions
As a student of Class 12, you would have probably realised by now that not all chapters and sections carry equal weightage in the question papers. In fact, it may not even be in proportion to the number of topics under each chapter.
A proper analysis of the question paper patterns reveals how many marks are allocated to each chapter. Furthermore, you will also be able to determine how many objective type, short answer type, and essay type questions each chapter is allocated. This helps you to prepare for your exams in a more efficient and effective manner.
Another great use of question papers from previous years is to answer them within the set three-hour time period. You can then focus on sections of the paper that took most of your time.
Students can access the jac model question paper 2018 from here.