Note: KVPY exam has been terminated from the year 2022. DST has decided to subsume KVPY with INSPIRE. KVPY Aptitude test will not be conducted from the year 2022 onwards. Ongoing KVPY fellows will continue to receive fellowship as per norms from DST.
For more information, please visit the official website:
The Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) is a prestigious national level fellowship program conducted by the Department of science and technology, Government of India. The program aims at encouraging students to take up careers in science research. All the KVPY Frequently Asked Questions are listed on this page.
Students can also visit the link KVPY to know more about the examination.
- The KVPY test 2021-22 will be held on 22-May, 2022.
- The registration for the KVPY 2021 test began on July 12, 2021, and the deadline to submit an application was September 6, 2021.
- Only registered students will be able to pay the KVPY 2021-22 registration fee after that until September 9, 2021.
- The KVPY 2021-22 selection process has been altered this year. Students will henceforth be chosen solely on the basis of an aptitude exam.
- The exam will be conducted online for a total of 100 points and will last three hours.
- The KVPY result 2021-22 will be available one month after the exam date.
What is the purpose of the KVPY 2021-22 Exam?
The Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) is a national scholarship programme for deserving students wishing to pursue fundamental science degrees such as B.Sc., B. Stat., Integrated M.Sc., and M.S. in Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, or Biology. Once a year, the KVPY Aptitude Test is held at IISc Bangalore to provide scholarships. Students are chosen for the scholarship depending on their performance on the KVPY exam.
- Scholarship Amount for KVPY 2021-22 During the first to third years of UG/PG studies, SA/SX/SB: Rs. 5,000/month + Rs. 20000/year
- During M. Sc. / 4th to 5th years of Integrated M.Sc. /M.S./M.Math./M.Stat. : Rs.7,000/month + Rs. 28000/annum
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: Few of my friends from school also want to apply for the KVPY aptitude test. Can we request school authorities to request a bulk application for us?
Answer: The students must apply individually on the official website. The hard copy of the application is not available and bulk applications from school authorities will not be entertained.
Q2: What does the computer-based test mean?
Answer: The students will be taking up the test on an easy-to-use portal on a computer. The students who wish to take the computer-based test will be directed to a mock test page. This will help the students get familiar with the online examination.
Q3: Can I take the online examination in Hindi?
Answer: Yes, the question paper will be available in Hindi also.
Q4: What is the syllabus for the KVPY test?
Answer: The KVPY syllabus is based on Class X, Class XII and 1st year of B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math./Int. M.Sc./M.S curriculum. The students are tested on their understanding and analytical skills.
Q5: What is the eligibility criteria for KVPY 2021-22?
Students can check the KVPY 2021 eligibility criteria for all the streams by following the given link.
Q6: Is it necessary for the students to write the KVPY test in all four subjects, i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics?
Answer: In Stream-SA all the questions are compulsory. In SB/SX stream the candidates must answer any three subjects from four (Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics) in Part I and two subjects in Part II. In case a candidate answers more sections, the best of three in Part I and the best of two in Part II are considered.
Q7: Can I avail KVPY fellowship along with other merit scholarships?
Answer: No, it is not entertained by KVPY. In case the candidates are in receipt of any other scholarships, they must relinquish it in order to avail KVPY fellowship.
Q8: From when is the KVPY 2021-22 application form be available?
Answer: The application form will be available after 12th July 2021.
Q9: When is the last date to submit the application form?
Answer: The last date to submit the application form is September 6th, 2021.
Q10: In case of any examination centre related query, whom should I contact?
Answer: The students should drop an e-mail with the queries.
Q11: The file size of the scanned copy of the photograph/ caste certificate/ signature that I have must be larger than the size mentioned on the online application form. What should I do?
Answer: The file has to be compressed and uploaded.
Q12: How will I receive the Admit Card?
Answer: The Admit Card should be downloaded from the official website. The examination centre and seat number details will be available on the admit card.
Q13: What is the examination timing?
STREAM SA: Forenoon 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM (Candidates should report at 8:30 AM)
STREAM SB/SX: Afternoon 2 PM to 5 PM (Candidates should report at 1 PM)
Q14: What is the location of KVPY 2021-22 exam centre?
It can be checked from the KVPY exam centre address in your admit card.
Q15: Are KVPY SX & SB the same?
No, both are different streams of the KVPY 2021-22 exam. But the syllabus and exam pattern is the same for both.