JEE Main 2024 Question Paper Solution Discussion Live JEE Main 2024 Question Paper Solution Discussion Live

Properties of Sets Operations

In Mathematics, a set is defined as a collection of well-defined objects. For example, the set of natural numbers between 1 and 10, the set of even numbers less than 20. If we change the order of writing the elements in a set, it does not make any changes in the set. If one or more elements of a set are repeated, then the set remains the same. In this article, we will learn the important properties of sets operations.

Let A and B be two sets, then we can define a set A intersection B denoted by A⋂B, whose elements consist of all the common elements of A and B. Another set A union B denoted by A⋃B, is the set which contains all the elements of A and B. A compliment denoted by AC, is the set of numbers of universal set U, other than the elements of A. Null set is the set which does not have any elements. It is denoted by ∅. The operations of sets satisfy many identities.

What are the Basic Properties of Sets?

Property 1. Commutative property

Intersection and union of sets satisfy the commutative property.

A⋂B = B⋂A

A⋃B = B⋃A

Property 2. Associative property

Intersection and union of sets satisfy the associative property.

(A⋂B)⋂C = A⋂(B⋂C)

(A⋃B)⋃C = A⋃(B⋃C)

Property 3. Distributive property

Intersection and union of sets satisfy the distributive property.

A⋃(B⋂C) = (A⋃B)⋂(A⋃C)

A⋂(B⋃C) = (A⋂B)⋃(A⋂C)

Property 4. Identity

A⋃∅ = A

A⋂U = A

Property 5. Complement

A⋃AC = U

A⋂AC = ∅

Property 6. Idempotent

A⋂A = A

A⋃A = A

Frequently Asked Questions


Define a Set in Mathematics.

A set is a collection of well-defined objects. For example {2, 4, 6, 8} is a set of even numbers less than 10.


Name the different types of Sets.

The different types of sets are finite set, infinite set, singleton set, universal set, null set, etc.


Mention the distributive property of Sets.

For all sets A, B and C , A∩(B⋃C) = (A∩B)⋃(A∩C) and A∪(B∩C)=(A∪B)∩(A∪C).


Does union of Sets satisfy commutative property?

Yes. Union of sets satisfies the commutative property. A⋃B = B⋃A.

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