The Karnataka Board for Pre-University Education, has been striving to provide world-class education in Science. By adopting novel methods such as introducing major scientific developments in the syllabus, the board has set a credible syllabus that puts the students on a path towards a meaningful higher education. The Karnataka Board 2nd PUC Biology Syllabus has all the required components for a great foundation before the students can choose engineering, medical, or other academic courses. The board has adopted a future focus curriculum so that the topics are included in the syllabus before they are in demand in the industry.

KSEEB 2nd PUC Biology Syllabus 2022-23

Biology topics lose their meaning if experiments and practicals don’t go hand in hand with theory classes. To this extent, the Karnataka Pre-University board has included a right mix of practicals in the syllabus, so the students can also gain application perspective.

We have put together the Karnataka Board 2nd PUC syllabus for Biology. We hope that helps you to prepare for your exams. Click on the link below to download the Biology syllabus.

Download Karnataka Board 2nd PUC Biology Reduced Syllabus 2022-23

Genetics and Evolution
Biology in Human Welfare

KSEEB 2nd PUC Biology Practicals Reduced Syllabus 2022-23

Exercise-1 To study the reproductive parts of commonly available flowers
Exercise-2 To calculate percentage of pollen germination
Exercise-3 To study study pollen tube growth on stigma
Exercise-4 To study the discrete stages of gametogenesis in mammalian testis and ovary
Exercise-5 To study and identify various stages of female gametophyte development in the ovary
of a flower
Exercise-6 Preparation and study of mitosis in onion root tips
Exercise-7 Study of stages of meiosis using permanent slides
Exercise-8 To study the blastula stage of embryonic development in mammal, with the help of
permanent slide, chart, model or photographs
Exercise-9 Preparation and analysis of pedigree charts
Exercise-10 Staining of nucleic acid by acetocarmine
Exercise-11 To identify common disease- causing organisms and the symptoms of the diseases
Exercise-12 To study the texture of soil samples
Exercise-13 To determine water holding capacity of soils
Exercise-14 To study the ecological adaptations in plants living in xeric and hydric conditions
Exercise-15 To study the adaptations in animals living in xeric and hydric conditions
Exercise-16 To determine the pH of different water and soil samples
Exercise-17 To study turbidity of water samples
Exercise-18 To analyse living organisms in water samples
Exercise-19 Study of homologous and analogous organs in plants and animals


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