120 in Roman Numerals

120 in Roman Numerals is expressed as CXX. The ancient number system that is used commonly for labelling and naming something is known as Roman Numerals. These are represented using the English alphabet in capital letters. This article will help you to learn Roman Numerals in a precise manner and perform well in the exams. Let us learn in detail how to transform 120 in Roman Numerals with the help of simple tricks here. 

Number Roman Numeral
120 CXX

How to Write 120 in Roman Numerals?

120 in roman numerals

We use the expanded form of 120 to convert it into Roman Numerals. The following is the expanded form of 120

120 = 100 + 10 + 10

Now, writing their respective roman numerals, we get

120 = C + X + X

120 = CXX

Thus, the value of 120 in Roman Numerals is CXX.

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Frequently Asked Questions on 120 in Roman Numerals


How to write 120 in Roman Numerals?

120 in Roman Numerals is written as CXX.

Calculate the difference between 300 – 120 in Roman Numerals.

300 – 120 = 180, 180 in Roman Numerals = 100 + 50 + 10 + 10 + 10, 180 in Roman Numerals = C + L + X + X + X, 180 in Roman Numerals = CLXXX. Hence the difference between 300 – 120 in Roman Numerals is CLXXX.

What number should be added to 108 to get 120? Express the answer in Roman Numerals.

120 – 108 = 12. Hence, 12 should be added to 108 to get 120. Now, the expanded form of 12 can be written as 12 = 10 + 2 = X + II = XII. Therefore, the required answer in Roman Numerals is XII.


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