1264 in Words

1264 in words can be written as One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty-Four. Suppose if you purchase a coat for Rs. 1264, then you can say that “I purchased a coat for One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty-Four Rupees”. This article will help you know the place value of 1264 at your own pace. Hence, 1264 can be read as “One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty-Four” in words using the English alphabet.

1264 in words

One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty-Four

One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty-Four in Numbers


1264 in English Words

Number in word 1264

How to Write 1264 in Words?

Prepare a place value chart using the table given below and write the numbers in words effortlessly.









The expanded form of 1264 is provided below:

1 x Thousand + 2 x Hundred + 6 × Ten + 4 × One

= 1 x 1000 + 2 x 100 + 6 x 10 + 4 x 1

= 1000 + 200 + 60 + 4

= 1264

= One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty-Four

Therefore, 1264 in words is written as One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty-Four.

Also, read: place value

About the Number 1264

1264 is a natural number that precedes 1265 and succeeds 1263.

1264 in words – One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty-Four

Is 1264 an odd number? – No

Is 1264 an even number? – Yes

Is 1264 a perfect square number? – No

Is 1264 a perfect cube number? – No

Is 1264 a prime number? – No

Is 1264 a composite number? – Yes

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Frequently Asked Questions on 1264 in Words


How do you write the number 1264 in words?

1264 in words is One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty-Four.

Find the value of 1300 minus 36.

The value of 1300 plus 36 is 1264. Therefore, 1264 in words is One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty-Four.

Is 1264 a perfect square?

No, 1264 is not a perfect square as it cannot be expressed as the product of two integers which are equal.


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