1497 in Words

1497 in words can be written as One Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-Seven. The conversion of 1497 is very easy taking the place value chart as a reference. Suppose if you purchase a perfume for Rs. 1497, then you can say that “I purchased a perfume for One Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-Seven Rupees”. The place value chart is discussed here in a stepwise manner to help students grasp it with ease. Hence, 1497 can be read as “One Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-Seven” in words.

1497 in words

One Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-Seven

One Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-Seven in Numbers


1497 in English Words

Number in word 1497

How to Write 1497 in Words?

Let us design the place value chart containing four columns below for your help. Using the chart, conversion into words will be very simple.









The expanded form of 1497 is provided below:

1 x Thousand + 4 x Hundred + 9 × Ten + 7 × One

= 1 x 1000 + 4 x 100 + 9 x 10 + 7 x 1

= 1000 + 400 + 90 + 7

= 1497

= One Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-Seven

Therefore, 1497 in words is written as One Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-Seven.

Also, read: place value

About the Number 1497

1497 is a natural number that precedes 1498 and succeeds 1496.

1497 in words – One Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-Seven

Is 1497 an odd number? – Yes

Is 1497 an even number? – No

Is 1497 a perfect square number? – No

Is 1497 a perfect cube number? – No

Is 1497 a prime number? – No

Is 1497 a composite number? – Yes

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Frequently Asked Questions on 1497 in Words


How do you write the number 1497 in words?

1497 in words is One Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-Seven.

Find the value of 1500 minus 3.

The value of 1500 minus 3 is 1497. Therefore, 1497 in words is One Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-Seven.

Is 1497 a perfect square?

No, 1497 is not a perfect square as it cannot be expressed as the product of two integers which are equal.


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