29 in Roman Numerals

The number 29 in Roman Numeral is written as XXIX. A special type of number system used in ancient times is known as Roman Numerals. In Mathematics, students must know the basic rules to convert natural numbers to roman numerals and vice versa. Let’s have a look at how to convert the natural number 29 in Roman Numerals with FAQs in this article.


Roman Numeral



How to Write 29 in Roman Numerals?

29 in roman numerals

The following method is used to convert 29 in Roman Numerals

29 = (10 + 10) + (10 – 1)

Now writing their respective roman numerals, we get

29 = (X + X) + (X – I)

29 = XXIX

Hence, the value of 29 in Roman Numerals is XXIX.

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Frequently Asked Questions on 29 in Roman Numerals


Write 29 in Roman Numerals.

29 in Roman Numerals is written as XXIX.

What is the difference between 45 and 29 in Roman Numerals?

45 – 29 = 16. To find the value of 45 – 29 in Roman Numerals, we express 16 in expanded form, i.e., 16 = 10 + 6 = X + VI = XVI Therefore, the difference between 45 and 29 in Roman Numerals is XVI.

How to convert 29 in Roman Numerals?

We use expanded form to convert 29 in Roman Numerals as shown below 29 = 20 + 9, 29 = (10 + 10) + (10 – 1), 29 = (X + X) + (X – I), 29 = XXIX


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