700 in Roman Numerals

700 in Roman Numerals is DCC. Roman Numerals is the system of writing numbers using Roman alphabets. The list of Roman Numerals helps students to learn the natural numbers with their respective Roman letter representations in an efficient manner. In this article, learn how to convert 700 in Roman Numerals in a comprehensive manner. 


Roman Numeral



How to Write 700 in Roman Numerals?

700 in roman numerals

We can write 700 in Roman Numerals using the method mentioned below:

  • Break the number 700 into the least expandable form
  • 700 = 500 + 100 + 100 
  • Write the respective Roman Numerals and add/subtract them
  • We know that D is represented as 500 and C is represented as 100 in Roman Numerals
  • 700 = D + C + C = DCC
  • Hence, the number 700 in Roman Numerals is DCC.

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Frequently Asked Questions on 700 in Roman Numerals


What is 700 in Roman Numerals?

700 in Roman Numerals is DCC.

What is the value of 1000 – 700? Express the answer in Roman Numerals.

1000 – 700 = 300. We write 300 in expanded form to express in Roman Numerals i.e., 300 = 100 + 100 + 100 = C + C + C = CCC. Therefore the number 300 in Roman Numerals is CCC.

What should be added to 460 to get 700? Write the answer in Roman Numerals.

700 – 460 = 240. Thus the number 240 should be added to 460 to get 700. To express 240 in Roman Numerals, we write 240 in expanded form i.e., 240 = 100 + 100 + (50 – 10) = C + C + XL = CCXL. Thus 240 in Roman Numerals is CCXL.


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