84 in Roman Numerals

84 in Roman Numerals is LXXXIV. As the roman numerals topic is discussed right from primary education, it is necessary to have a good hold on this concept. This article provides you with a systematic understanding of how 84 can be expanded and converted into roman numerals. Therefore, 84 can be written in roman numerals as LXXXIV.

Number Roman Numeral

84 in roman numerals

How to Write 84 in Roman Numerals?

Use the expanded form of 84 in order to convert the number into roman numerals.

84 = 50 + 10 + 10 + 10 + (5 – 1)

84 = L + X + X + X + (V – I)


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Frequently Asked Questions on 84 in Roman Numerals


What is the meaning of 84 in Roman Numerals?

In order to write 84 in Roman Numerals, we first need to write the expanded form.
84 = 50 + 10 + 10 + 10 + (5 – 1)
84 = L + X + X + X + (V – I)

Why should 84 be written in Roman Numerals as LXXXIV?

In roman numerals,
50 = L
30 = XXX
4 = IV
So 84 is written as LXXXIV in Roman Numerals.

How can 84 be indicated in Roman Numerals?

To indicate 84 in Roman numerals, we first need to break the number in accordance with its place value.
Tens = 80 = LXXX
Ones = 4 = IV
Number = 80 + 4 = LXXXIV


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