90 in Roman Numerals

The number 90 in Roman numerals is XC. We know that Roman numerals are the system of expressing numbers using Roman alphabets. In this article, let us discuss how to write the number 90 in Roman numerals, with many solved examples in detail.

90 in Roman Numerals = XC

How to Write 90 in Roman Numerals?

90 in Roman Numerals

The number 90 in Roman numeral can be written using the following method:

  • First, break the number 90 into the least expanded form.
  • So, 90 = 100 – 10
  • Write the respective Roman numeral and add/subtract them.
  • Hence, 90 = 100 – 10 is written as C – X = XC. [Note: The letters are subtracted when a smaller letter comes before a larger letter.]
  • Hence, 90 in Roman numerals is XC.
Also, read:

Roman Numerals Related to the Number 90

Some of the Roman numerals related to the number 90 are as follows:

Roman Numeral for 91 = XCI = 90 + 1 =91

Roman Numeral for 92 = XCII = 90 + 2 =92

Roman Numeral for 93 = XCIII = 90 + 3 =93

Roman Numeral for 94 = XCIV = 90 + 4 =94

Roman Numeral for 95 = XCV = 90 + 5 =95

Roman Numeral for 96 = XCVI = 90 + 6 =96

Roman Numeral for 97 = XCVII = 90 + 7 =97

Roman Numeral for 98 = XCVIII = 90 + 8 =98

Roman Numeral for 99 = XCIX = 90 + 9 =99

Video Lesson on Roman Numerals

90 in Roman Numerals – Solved Examples

Example 1:

What is the value of 190 – 100. Express the value in Roman numerals.


The value of 190 – 100 is 90.

Thus, 90 in Roman numerals is XC.

Example 2:

Find the sum of XC and IX. Express the sum in Roman numerals.


We know that,

XC = 90

IX = 9

So, XC + IX = 90 + 9 = 99.

Hence, 99 in Roman numerals is XCIX.

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Frequently Asked Questions on 90 in Roman Numerals


What is 90 in Roman numerals?

90 in Roman numerals is XC.


Express the value of 80 + 10 in Roman numerals.

The value of 80 + 10 is 90. Hence, 90 in Roman numerals is XC.


What should be added to 45 to get the Roman numerals XC. Express the value in words.

45 should be added to 45 to get the Roman numerals XC, which is 90. Hence, 45 in Roman numerals is XLV.


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