Data Management - Recording And Organizing Data

In our day-to-day life, we handle lots of situations where we need a proper arrangement and management of data. Sometimes we have to handle with numbers, sometimes facts. And this is the time when data handling comes in hand. It’s always easy to access things in an arranged room than a messed room. Like this, always arranged data ease our accessibility and save our time. Let’s learn about data management including data recording and organisation.

What is Data Management?

Data is a set of or collection of names, numbers, figures, etc that convey some information. It can be about anything. A data is made based on observations, research or analysis. We can record and organize data in different forms such as tables, charts, pictures, graphs, etc.

Database management

A database is an organized set of data. It is the collection of tables, schema and other entities. The data are basically organized to a reality model that supports processes that need information.

Data Integration

A database management system is a software application that interacts with the user and other applications and the database itself to analyse data. A main purpose of DBMS is designed to define, create update and administer databases.

Data integration is the combination of business and technical processes that are used to combine data from different sources into valuable information. A complete data integration solution provides trusted data from different sources.

Let’s take an example to illustrate how to record and organize data and their significance.

Example: In a refugee camp, there were 75 people of different age group. An NGO came to sponsor the food for them. But people in different age group take different types of food like infants to take milk while adults take buns. Management has to know the exact count of requirements.

In the above case, asking each person what they eat is not possible as it would consume a lot of time. We need to handle this situation in less time, how?

This can be done by Data Management.

Steps to Manage Data

Following are the steps involved in data management:

Step 1:Data recording

First step of data management is recording i.e. collecting data. Here, we have 75 refugees, divide them into four groups of infants, kids, adults and old-age. Take the count of each group.

Data Management

Now we know that the number of people who take milk and who take buns.

Step 2: Data Organisation

Followed by recording, organization of data is done. We need to arrange the collected data so that we can easily access information from a much larger data. Above situations can be arranged in a much better way. One of the ways is described below:

Type of Food Tally Marks Total number
Milk only



(Adults & Old-aged)

Both Milk and Buns



Here we used “I” mark for every person making that choice and every fifth mark used as strike i.e.I = 1 andIIII = 5. This seems to be an effective way of representing data. Hence, we can easily recollect the data whenever required.

To solve more problems on the related topic like data handling methods, you can visit us at BYJU’S.


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