Direction Cosines
When a directed line OP passing through the origin makes
If we extend the line OP on the three dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, then to figure out the direction cosines, we need to take the supplement of the direction angles. It is pretty obvious from this statement that on reversal of the line OP in opposite direction, the direction cosines of the line also get reversed. In a situation where the given line does not pass through the origin, a line parallel to the given line passing through the origin is drawn and in doing so, the angles remain same as the angles made by the original line. Hence, we get the same direction.
Since we are considering a line passing through the origin to figure out the direction angles and their cosines, we can consider the position vectors of the line OP.
If OP = r, then from the above figure 1, we can see that
Where r denotes the magnitude of the vector and it is given by,
The cosines of direction angles are given by
We can also represent r in terms of its unit vector components using the orthogonal system.
Substituting the values of x, y and z, we have
Therefore, we can say that cosines of direction angles of a vector r are the coefficients of the unit vectors
Any number proportional to the direction cosine is known as the direction ratio of a line. These direction numbers are represented by a, b and c.
Also as
In simple terms,
On dividing the equation,
Using equations 1, 2 and 3, we get
We can conclude that sum of the squares of the direction cosines of a line is 1.
From the above definition, we can say that
From these relations, we get
The ratio between the direction cosines and direction ratios of a line is given by
But we know that
From this, we can find that
The value of k can be chosen as positive or negative depending upon the direction of the directed line.
We can take any number of direction ratios by altering the value of k.
Also check: How to check Direction Cosine and Direction ratio

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