Normal Matrix

A matrix A is said to be a Normal matrix if the pre and post matrix multiplication of conjugate transpose of A with the matrix A is commutative. In other words, normal matrices are those matrices whose matrix multiplication with its own conjugate transpose is commutative.

Normal Matrix is a generalisation of Unitary, Hermitian, skew-Hermitian as well as symmetric and skew-symmetric matrices.

A normal matrix is also unitarily diagonalizable, which means to diagonalize a normal matrix the required modal matrix is a unitary matrix. Let us define a normal matrix more formally in mathematical terms.

Definition of Normal Matrix

A square matrix A of order n×n of complex numbers, that is A ∈ Cn×n is said to be a normal matrix if AHA = AAH where AH is the conjugate transpose of A.

The matrix A ∈ Cn×n is a Normal Matrix ⇔ AHA = AAH

The matrix A is also said to be a Normal matrix if there exists a Unitary matrix U such that U acts as a modal matrix which diagonalizes A.

The matrix A ∈ Cn×n is a Normal Matrix ⇔ D = UAU-1

where D is a diagonal matrix of A.

Examples of Normal Matrix

Let us take an example of a complex matrix of order 2 × 2,


So according to the definition of normal matrix let us find the conjugate transpose of the given matrix.



Then, AH = (conjugate of A)T =


Then AHA =


And AAH =


Hence AHA = AAH, that is a normal matrix.

Let us take another example of a real matrix and check whether it satisfies the condition of a normal matrix.


For a real matrix, the conjugate transpose will be the same as the transpose of matrix.

Therefore, AH = AT =


Now, ATA =


And AAT =


Thus, ATA = AAT, A is normal.

With this above example we can also say that orthogonal matrices are also normal matrix.

Properties of Normal Matrix

There are a few interesting properties of a Normal matrix are listed below which are useful in deriving many more results in Linear Algebra.

  • If A is a normal matrix then it is diagonalizable by a unitary matrix.
  • A Hermitian matrix is a normal matrix.

Let A be a Hermitian matrix then AH = A, then

Now, AHA − AAH = AA − AA = A2 − A2 = 0

⇒ AHA − AAH = 0 ⇒ AHA = AAH

⇒ A is normal

  • A skew-Hermitian matrix is a normal matrix.
  • A unitary matrix is normal.

If U is a unitary matrix, then UHU = UUH = I, hence normal.

  • A symmetric and a skew-symmetric matrix both are normal matrices.
  • A normal matrix need not be a Hermitian, skew-Hermitian, Unitary or symmetric matrix.
  • An orthogonal matrix is also a normal matrix.
  • If A is normal then, AAH is a Hermitian matrix.
  • If A is normal, then there exists a set of orthonormal eigenvectors of A in Cn.
  • A normal matrix is unitary if and only if its eigenvalues lies on the unit circle in complex plane.

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Solved Examples on Normal Matrix

Example 1:

Check whether the given matrix

is unitarily diagonalizable.


The given matrix

is symmetric matrix, and a symmetric matrix is always normal.

We know a normal matrix is unitarily diagonalizable.

Hence, the given matrix is unitarily diagonalizable.

Example 2:

If A =

, then show that A is a normal matrix.


Given, A =


Clearly, A is a skew-symmetric matrix.

Hence, A is a normal matrix.

Frequently Asked Questions on Normal Matrix


How do you know if a given matrix is normal?

A matrix when pre and post multiplied with its conjugate transpose commutes, then the matrix is said to be a normal matrix.


Is a Hermitian matrix normal?

Yes, a Hermitian matrix is normal.


Is a normal matrix unitarily diagonalizable?

Yes, a normal matrix is unitarily diagonalizable.


Is a symmetric matrix normal?

Yes, a symmetric matrix is normal.


What is condition for a normal matrix to be unitary?

A normal matrix is unitary if and only if its eigenvalues lies on the unit circle in complex plane


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