Quadratic Equations Class 11 Notes are available here for students. The notes are very helpful to have a quick revision before exams. Class 11 Maths Chapter 5 quadratic equations include a quadratic formula to find the solution of the given equation.
Consider the quadratic equation: px2 +qx + r = 0 with real coefficients p, q, r and p≠0. Now, let us assume that the discriminant d < 0 i.e., b2-4ac< 0.
The solution of above quadratic equation will be in the form of complex numbers given by:
Important Notes:
- A polynomial equation has at least one root
- A polynomial equation of degree n has n roots
- The values of a variable, that satisfy the given equation are called roots of a quadratic equation
- The solution to quadratic equations can also be calculated using the factorisation method
- If α and β are the roots of a quadratic equation, then the equation is x2 – (α + β) x + αβ = 0
- The nature of roots depends on the discriminant (D) of the quadratic equation
- If D > 0, roots are real and distinct (unequal)
- If D = 0, roots are real and equal (coincident)
- If D < 0, roots are imaginary and unequal
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