Table of 472

The Multiplication Table for 472 is nothing more than the repetitive addition of the number 472. 472 is an even number that is divisible by 2. Note that 472 is also divisible by 4. Observe that all the multiples of 472 are also divisible by 4. You can read more on Divisibility rules.

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Table of 472 Chart

Table of 472

What is the 472 Times Table?

In the table of 472, we are repeatedly adding 472 multiple times. And the table below gives a repetitive addition 10 times for the number 472.


472 × 1 = 472 472
472 × 2 = 944 472 + 472 = 944
472 × 3 = 1416 472 + 472 + 472 = 1416
472 × 4 = 1888 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 = 1888
472 × 5 = 2360 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 = 2360
472 × 6 = 2832 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 = 2832
472 × 7 = 3304 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 = 3304
472 × 8 = 3776 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 = 3776
472 × 9 = 4248 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 = 4248
472 × 10 = 4720 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 + 472 = 4720


Multiplication Table of 472

Given below is the multiplication table of 472 being done 20 times. The below table helps you with multiplication problems that require the tables of 472.


472 × 1 = 472
472 × 2 = 944
472 × 3 = 1416
472 × 4 = 1888
472 × 5 = 2360
472 × 6 = 2832
472 × 7 = 3304
472 × 8 = 3776
472 × 9 = 4248
472 × 10 = 4720
472 × 11 = 5192
472 × 12 = 5664
472 × 13 = 6136
472 × 14 = 6608
472 × 15 = 7080
472 × 16 = 7552
472 × 17 = 8024
472 × 18 = 8496
472 × 19 = 8968
472 × 20 = 9440


Solved Example on Table of 472


Meera bought a few books at the cost of Rs 7080 online, and a few books at Rs 7552 from a shop. If each book costs 472, how many books did she buy in total?

Solution: Online 15 books , shop 16 books, total 31 books.

Online: Rs 7080, and each book costs Rs 472. Therefore 7080 / 472 = 15 books.

From Shop. Rs 7552, each book costs 474. Therefore 7552 / 472 = 16 books.

Total books = 15 + 16 = 31 books.

Frequently Asked Questions on Table of 472


Question 1: What is 24 times 472?

Answer: 24 times 472 is 11328.

Question 2: Is 472 a multiple of 72?

Answer: No. 472 is not a multiple of 72.

Question 3: What are the prime factors of 472?

Answer: The prime factors of 472 are 2, and 59.


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