Million to Lakhs Calculator

Convert million into lakhs


Million to lakh calculator is available online here for free. BYJU’S million to lac converter will make it easy to convert any million value into equivalent lakh. Million and lakh is the representation of bigger numbers. One million is equal to ten lakhs.

1 M = 10 Lac

Where M stands for million and Lac stands for Lakhs.

Check: Decimal To Percent Calculator

Millions to Lakhs Conversion

It is easy to convert a number in million into lakhs. The formula to convert a number in million to lakhs is:

1 million = 10 lakhs

It means one million is equal to 10 times of lakhs. So, clearly the value of million is bigger than lakhs.

If we have 10 million, then its value in lakhs will be:

10 M = 10 x 10 lakhs = 100 lakhs

And 100 lakhs = 1 crore


1 Million = 10000 Hundred

1 Hundred = 0.001 Lakh


1 Million = 10 Lakh

How to Convert Million to Lakhs?

To convert a number in million to lakhs, using calculators, follow the below steps:

Step 1: Enter the number in million (for ex: 10) within the input field

Step 2: Click on the “Convert” button to get the desired value in lakhs

Step 3: The equivalent value of the number in lakhs will be executed in the output field. Use the value for calculations

Million to Lakhs Table

Million (M) Lakhs (Lac)
1 10
2 20
3 30
4 40
5 50
10 100
0.1 1
0.2 2
0.3 3
0.4 4
0.5 5

Lakhs to Million Conversion

As we know, one million is equal to 10 lakhs, then one lakh is equal to 0.1 million.

(i.e.,) 1 Million = 10 Lakhs

Then, 1 Lakh = 1/10 Million, which is equal to 0.1 Million

Hence, 1 Lakh = 0.1 Million

For example, 5 lakhs to million is equal to:

5 x 0.1 = 0.5 Million.

Thus, 5 lakhs is equal to 0.5 Million.

Lakhs to Million Conversion Table

The following table shows the conversion from lakhs to million:

Lakhs Million
0.01 Lakh 0.001 Million
0.1 Lakh 0.01 Million
1 Lakh 0.1 Million
10 Lakhs 1 Million
25 Lakhs 2.5 Million
50 Lakhs 5 Million
100 Lakhs 10 Million
500 Lakhs 50 Million
1000 Lakhs 100 Million
10000 Lakhs 1000 Million

Frequently Asked Questions on Million to Lakhs Calculator


What is the value of 1 million in rupees?

1 million rupees is equal to 10 lakhs

What is the value of 10 million in lakhs?

Since, 1 million = 10 Lakhs

10 million = 10 x 10 = 100 Lakhs = 1 crore


How many lakhs is 77 million?

1 million = 10 lakhs

77 million = 77 x 10 lakhs = 770 lakhs = 7.7 crore


How many thousand is 1 million?

1000 thousand is equal to 1 million.

How many crores is equal to 1 million?

0.1 crore is equal to 1 million since one crore is 10 times greater than 1 million.


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