MP Board Class 12th Topper Answer Sheets

Madhya Pradesh Board conducted its 12th Board Exams in the month of March, and the results were out on the 15th of May. About 7.69 lakh candidates appeared for class 12 examination.

How to download Topper Answer sheet Online?

    1. First, log into the official website.
    2. Click on the Academics category to the top side of the page.

MP Board Main page

    1. Click on the “Answer sheets of the meritorious students” link

Answer sheets of topper students link

    1. Answer sheets of topper students with roll number and subjects are given

Topper Roll Number and Answer Sheets

  1. You can click on the required subject and download the answer sheet.

MP Board Class 12 Topper Answer Sheets

MP Board Class 12 model answer sheet of the class toppers are here for the students to review and analyze how to score well in the exams. Here, we have given the answer sheets of various subjects such as Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. These are basically scanned copies of handwritten solutions by the MP Board Class 12 subject toppers of the previous years.

These MP Board Class 12 Topper Answer Sheets include the best possible answers to the questions that were asked in the board exams. Students can download the PDF of these answer sheets from the clickable links given in the table below:

Download MP Board Class 12 Topper Answer Sheets PDFs

Year Roll Numbers Subjects
2018 281632873 Physics
281632988 Physics
287836474 Biology
287842432 Biology
2017 274228655 Maths
272134149 Maths
271140522 Maths
276731702 Physics

Going through a meritorious student’s answer sheet is good practice and will help to prepare for the exams and write the exams efficiently. We have given subject wise answer sheets of top-scoring students of MP Board in this article.

Tips To Be A Topper

However, students may have prepared well for the exams, if they don’t present it well they tend to lose marks. Below are a few preparation tips to top the exams:

  • Make use of the 15 minutes properly and draw up a proper strategy to write the exams
  • Write neat, concise and to the point answers
  • Read through the questions properly before answering
  • Attempt all the questions
  • Space out each word correctly while writing the exams
  • Finally, take time to check the answer sheet before submitting it
  • Just do your best without worrying about the outcome of the exams

Keep visiting BYJU’S to get information about the MP board exam pattern and also, register at BYJU’S to get additional support for the exams.