Maharashtra SSC Board Question Paper for Class 10th English 2019 In PDF

Maharashtra SSC Board 10th Standard English Exam Question Paper 2019- Free Download

Maharashtra SSC Board Class 10 English 2019 Question Paper helps students understand the grammar and the complex concepts related to the English language. It also functions as the best resource for students preparing for the SSC Class 10 board exams. Many more consider English as an easy language to study and may not give importance as to other subjects such as Maths or Science. However, scoring the language is easy if students understand the language well.

This previous year paper, in the meantime, will set the foundation for the question types to be asked in the English exam for the boards. Maharashtra SSC Board Students can access the paper from the respective link listed below in this article and answer the unsolved question paper PDF for practice. Students can download the paper from the interactive PDF link and get the question paper’s printable format. The questions and answers are also online on the web-page, for the convenience of the students.

Meanwhile, the students are urged to familiarise themselves with the MSBSHSE Class 10 English textbook’s key topics. The below-given question paper, in the meantime, is considered as the perfect resource for students as it helps them to get an overview of the question paper format of the MSBSHSE Class 10 English exam. Students are also advised to practise these previous year papers of Maharashtra Board Class 10 English to learn the language well. Referring to these previous year question papers will help the students gauge their performance and their own preparation level for the board exams. The students can solve these papers regularly to know how to answer the questions most efficiently.

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Download Maharashtra SSC Board 2019 English Question Paper Solutions

MSBSHSE SSC (Class 10) English 2019 Question Paper Solutions

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(Language Study)

Q.I A.I Follow the given instructions: [08 marks]

i. Make a meaningful sentence of your own using the following phrase “to look into”

Answer: I may need to look into the reason why he failed in the exam.

ii. Pick out the infinitive from the following sentence

I just had to do it

Answer: “to do” is the infinitive in the sentence.

iii. Punctuate the following sentence:

did you hear him he whispered

Answer: “Did you hear him?” he whispered.

iv. Find out two hidden words of minimum of 4 letters from:


Answer: cure, race and near are some words of minimum of 4 letters from “Endurance”

v. Spot the error in the following sentence and rewrite it:

The novel was publishing in 1952

Answer: The novel was published in 1952.

vi. Complete the following word chain of verbs:

Write e ____, _____,______,_______

Answer: Enter, Remember, Report, Think

vii. Identify the type of sentence:

I could manage well enough.

Answer: “I could manage well enough” is the example of an assertive sentence.

viii. Write two past participles in which the last two letters are doubled.

Answer: ‘slipped’ and ‘dropped’ are two past participles in which two letters are doubled.

A. 2 Follow the given instructions: [08 marks]

i. Make two sentences by using the given word as a noun and as a verb:


Answer: Use “dream” as a noun

Is that your ‘dream?’

Use “dream” as a verb

I ‘dream’ of him

ii. We saw a tree, bare of all leaves.

(Rewrite the sentence beginning with “A tree bare________)

Answer: A tree bare of all the leaves was seen by us.

iii. The Dauphin will give me all I need.

(Rewrite the sentence using the present perfect tense).

Answer: The Dauphin has given me all I need.

iv. The Nobel Prize is one of the biggest honours in the world.

(Change the given sentence into positive and comparative degree)

Answer: (a) Nobel Prize is greater than most other honours in the world is a sentence in comparative degree.

(b) Few honours in the world are as great as the Nobel Prize is a sentence in the positive degree.

B. Follow the instructions and answer the questions: [4 marks]

i. I must tell the truth

(pick out the model auxiliary verb and state its function)

Answer: In this sentence. “I must tell the truth”, the modern auxiliary verb used is “must”. It is used to complete the form of a sentence. The ‘must’, used in this sentence states the need or requirement to tell the “Truth.”

ii. Identify the clauses and name it:

The nerves that controlled his muscles were shutting down.

Answer: Adjective Clause of manner is used in this sentence.


(Textual Passages)

(Reading skills, Vocabulary and Grammar)

Q.2 A. Read the following passages and answer as instructed: [10 Marks]

A1. Choose the correct alternatives from the given options to re-write the sentences:

(appealing, casually, flattery, well-oiled)

i. I followed ______

Answer: Casually.

ii. Anil talked about the ______ wrestlers.

Answer: well-oiled

iii. I gave him my most _________ smile.

Answer: appealing

iv. A little ______ helps in making friends.

Answer: flattery

I was still a thief when I met Anil. And although only 15, I was an experienced and a fairly successful hand.

Anil was watching a wrestling match when I approached him. He was about 25- a tall, lean fellow-, and he looked easy-going, kind and simple enough for my purpose. I hadn’t had much luck lately and thought I might be able to get into the young man’s confidence.

“You look a bit like a wrestler yourself”, I said. A little flattery helps in making friends.

“So, do you”, he replied, which put me off for a moment because at that time I was rather thin.

“Well”, I said modestly, “I do wrestle a bit.”

“What’s your name?”

“Hari Singh”, I lied. I took a new name every month. That kept me ahead of the police and my former employers.

After this introduction, Anil talked about the well-oiled wrestlers who were grunting, lifting and throwing each other about. I didn’t have much to say. Anil walked away. I followed casually.

“Hello, again”, he said.

I gave him my most appealing smile. “I want to work for you,” I said.

“But I can’t pay you.”

I thought that over for a minute. Perhaps I had misjudged my man.

I asked, “Can you feed me?”

“Can you cook?”

“I can cook,” I lied again.

“If you can cook, then maybe I can feed you.”

He took me to his room over the Jamuna Sweet Shop and told me I could sleep on the balcony. But the meal I cooked that night must have been terrible because Anil gave it to a stray dog and told me to be off. But, I just hung around, smiling in my most appealing way, and he couldn’t help laughing.

A 2. Complete the following web-chart:

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English 2019 Question Paper Section II Question A 2

Answer: Tall, Easy-going, Kind, Simple are the qualities of Anil

A 3. Find the similar meaning words from the passage for the following:

i. endearing

ii. miscalculated

iii. humbly

iv. awful

Answer: (i)appealing

(ii) misjudged

(iv) kind

(v) terrible

A 4. i. “I want to work for you”, I said.

(Change it into indirect speech).

Answer: I said that I wanted to work with him.

ii. I can’t pay you.

(Rewrite it making it affirmative)

Answer: I refuse to pay.

A 5. “We should learn from our own mistakes,” Explain.

Answer: We have to learn from our mistakes so that we do not repeat them. We should also develop wisdom and have the good sense to reach a proper decision and choice. If we always find it challenging to reach a decision or are inclined to blame others for our bad decisions, we have not learnt anything. We should all forget our mistakes, but we should never forget what it taught us. We should take the message we learnt from it and then try to improve it.

B. Read the passage and follow the instructions given to answer: [10 marks]

B 1. Answer in one word:

i. At what age was Stephen diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis?

Answer: At the age of 21

ii. Over the years, how many books has Stephen written or co-written?

Answer: Stephen Hawkins has written or co-written 15 books.

iii. When did Stephen catapult to international prominence?

Answer: In 1988

iv. In which year, was his life story depicted?

Answer: The film, The Theory of Everything that came in 2014, depicted his life story.

Stephen Hawking (born January 8, 1942) is a British Scientist, Professor and Author who has done groundbreaking work in Physics and Cosmology, and whose books have helped make Science accessible to everyone. At the age of 21, while studying Cosmology at the University of Cambridge, he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Part of his life story was depicted in the 2014 film, The Theory of Everything.

Over the years, Stephen Hawking has written or co-written a total of 15 books. A few of the most noteworthy include:

In 1988 Hawking catapulted to International prominence with the publication of A Brief History of Time. The short, informative book became an account of cosmology for the masses and offered an overview of space and time, the existence of God and the future. The work was an instant success, spending more than four years atop the “London Sunday Times” best-seller list. Since its publication, it has sold millions of copies worldwide and been translated into more than 40 languages.

A Brief History of Time also wasn’t as easy to understand as some had hoped. So, in 2001, Hawking followed up his book with The Universe in a Nutshell, which offered a more illustrated guide to Cosmology’s big theories.

In 2005, Hawking authored the even more accessible A Briefer History of Time, which further simplified the original work’s core concepts and touched upon the newest developments in the field like String theory.

B 2. Complete the following table with the relevant information about Stephen Hawking




(i) _____________






(i) A Brief History of Time

(i) The Theory of Everything

(ii) The Universe in a Nutshell

(iii) A Briefer History of Time

B 3. Find out the “Antonyms” from the passage for the following:

(i) worst x

(ii) exclude x

(iii) duplicate x

(iv) oldest x

Answer: (i) The antonym of worst is noteworthy

(ii) The antonym of exclude is include

(iii) The antonym of duplicate is original

(iv) The antonym of oldest is the newest

B 4. i. It has sold millions of copies worldwide and been translated into more than 40 languages

(Change into a simple sentence)

Answer: Being translated into more than 40 languages, they sold millions of copies worldwide.

ii. The short informative book became an account of Cosmology

(Add a question tag)

Answer: Isn’t it?

The short informative book became an account of Cosmology, Isn’t it?

B 5. ‘Stephen Hawking was a versatile personality’. Justify.

Answer: Stephen Hawking, the British Scientist, diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), at the age of 21, was given about five years to live. Despite his disabilities, he proved the doctors and the people wrong. He worked hard and completed his best works, which also came to be known worldwide. A film was also made on his life, and it became popular. Stephen Hawking was a real inspiration to people. He taught us that Intelligence is not our IQ and that there is a way out of the black hole. He taught us that it is crucial to learn from the mistakes in life and never take life for granted. His intellect and zest for life is a chief example of the triumph of the human spirit. Thus, we can justify the statement that Stephen Hawking is a versatile personality.



3 [15 Marks]

3 A. Read the following extract and answer the given questions

A1. Fill on the web with what passion poesy can do to you

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English 2019 Question Paper Section III Poetry Question 3(A1)


Maharashtra Board Class 10 English 2019 Question Paper Section III Poetry Question 3(A1) solution

_____________ and clear rills

That for themselves a cooling covert make

‘Gains the hot season; the mid forest brake’

Rich with a sprinkling of fair musk-rose blooms:

And such too is the grandeur of the dooms

We have imagined for the mighty deed;

All lovely tales that we have heard or read

An endless fountain of immortal drink

Pouring unto us from the heaven’s brink.

Nor do we merely feel these essences

For one short hour; no, even as the trees

That whisper round a temple become soon

Dear as the temple’s self, so do the moon,

The passion poesy, glories infinite,

Haunt us till they become a cheering light

Unto our souls, and bound to us so fast,

That, whether there be shine, or gloom o’ercast

They always must be with us, or we die.

A2. List the things which express sorrow from the extract.

Answer: Lines from this extract that express sorrow are:

  • And such too is the grandeur of the dooms
  • Nor do we merely feel these essences
  • For one short hour; no, even as the trees.

A3. Write down the rhyme scheme of the last five lines.

Answer: Find here the rhyme scheme of the last five lines:


3B [10 Marks]

Read the following poem and write an appreciation of it with the help of the given points in a paragraph format:

The Pulley

When God at first made Man,

Having a glass of blessings standing by:

Let us (said He) “pour on him all we can :

Let the world’s riches, which dispersed lie,

Contract into a span.

So strength first made a way.

The beauty flow’d, then wisdom, honour, pleasure:

When almost all was out, God made a stay,

Perceiving that alone of his treasures

Rest in the bottom lay.

For if should(said He)

Bestow this jewel also on my creature,

He would adore my gifts instead of me,

And rest in Nature, not the God of Nature.

So both should losers be.

Yet let them keep the rest,

But keep them with repining restlessness :

Let him be rich and weary, that at last,

If goodness lead him not, yet weariness

May toss him to my breast.

——— George Herbert

  • The tile of the poem
  • The poet
  • Central Idea/ theme
  • Rhyme scheme
  • Figure of speech
  • Special features
  • Favourite line/ lines
  • Why I like/ don’t like the poem

Answer: Title of the poem is ‘The Pulley.’

The poet is George Herbert.

The poem’s central idea or theme focus on the reason for the man’s continuous restlessness in his life. According to the poet, God has made sure that the man will suffer hard so that their thoughts would ultimately return to his creator, God. There are five lines in every verse of the poem.

The rhyme scheme for the poem is a-b-a-b-a.

Metaphor is the key figure of speech used in the poem. ‘Glass of blessings’ is a term used to depict the total of all human qualities bestowed on a man, while the quality of “rest” or “contentment” is compared with that of a “jewel.”

In the meantime, the poem comes with a message. The message is that however rich or whatever abundance of qualities we may have, we must always believe in our God and thank him for the blessings that he has bestowed upon us.

My favourite line from the poem is “If goodness lead him not, yet weariness

May toss him to my breast.” Here, it talks of the fickle nature of man. It says that if goodness and luxury do not lead a man to God, then man will be reminded of God in difficulties for sure. A tired and weary man is most likely to believe more in God than someone living in luxury, who has not undergone much trouble.

I like this poem very much as it teaches us not to be self-satisfied and content but to believe in God, thank God, and to always remember him for all the kindness and blessings that he has showered upon us.


(Non-textual passage)

(Reading skills, Vocabulary and Grammar)

4. [15 Marks]

4 A. Read the following passage and do the given activities

A 1. Fill in the blanks, with the virtues of dogs.

  1. ______________
  2. _______________
  3. _______________
  4. ______________
  5. ______________

Answer: (1) Companion

(2) Loyal

(3) Faithful

(4) Devotee

(5) Protection

Humans and Dogs are inseparable for thousands of years, and they are dependent on each other for protection and survival. Relationships between humans and dogs are often characterised by strong emotional bonds which run both ways. Dogs are very popular as pets and companions. The dog is the “Man’s best Friend” and a family member. The dog is one of the most loyal, faithful and devoted animals. In earlier days dogs were kept mainly for hunting and guarding; now they are kept for companionship, protection and showmanship.

There are millions of people all over the world who are dog lovers. Puppies need more attention at an early age. As much as possible, try many methods of socialisation, such as playing with them, taking them for a walk, expose them to crowds, make them obey orders, etc.

A 2. Methods of socialisation of puppies are

  1. __________
  2. __________
  3. __________
  4. __________

Answer: (1) Playing with them

(2) Taking them for a walk

(3) Expose them to crowds

(4) Make them obey orders

A 3. Cross the odd man out from the following:

(i) inseparable, dependent, protection, popular

(ii) Hunting, guarding, playing, petting

(iii) Earlier, human, relationship, family

(iv) Often, mainly, now, emotional

Answer: (i) popular

(ii) petting

(iii) earlier

(iv) emotional

A 4. 1. There are millions of people all over the world

(pick out the determiners and write them)

Answer: All

2. Puppies need more attention

(Re-write the sentence without changing its meaning beginning with: Puppies don’t____ )

Answer: Puppies don’t need less attention.

Puppies don’t need negligence.

A 5. Should we ban keeping pets?

Answer: I am all for no ban on keeping pets. Pets are faithful and are man’s best friends. They bring love and happiness to people who have adopted them. Pet dogs are also used for protection. Pets are good companions, and some pet dogs are also used for guarding and hunting. Pets are loyal and devoted to you. However, I also believe that pets should be kept only by people who can take proper care of them, and give them the required attention. It is a huge responsibility, and the owner should be willing to take care of the pets.

4 B

Show a summary of the passage given in the following and suggest a suitable title.

Humans and Dogs are inseparable for thousands of years, and they are dependent on each other for protection and survival. Relationships between humans and dogs are often characterised by strong emotional bonds which run both ways. Dogs are very popular as pets and companions. The dog is the “Man’s best Friend” and a family member. The dog is one of the most loyal, faithful and devoted animal. In earlier days dogs were kept mainly for hunting and guarding; now they are kept for companionship, protection and showmanship.

There are millions of people all over the world who are dog lovers. Puppies need more attention at an early age. As much as possible try many methods of socialisation, such as playing with them, taking them for a walk, exposing them to crowds, make them obey orders etc.

Answer: “Man’s Best Friend” or “Unconditional Love” are the titles.

The passage depicts the bond between the dog and human beings, the love existing for so long. Dogs, considered as a loyal animal, is also Man’s best friend. They are known for their unconditional love towards humans. Millions of people over the world keep dogs and are known to be dog lovers. Dogs are said to be the best companions and are also used to guard and protect us. Puppies also need more attention and have to be trained well. They will continue to love you if you take care of them.

Section- V

(Writing Skills)

5 [10 Marks]

5 A. Attempt any One:

Letter writing:

Imagine you are Dipesh/ Disha Shastri, residing at J.M.Road, Shivaji Nagar, Pune. Attempt any one letter based on the given advertisement.

Blood Donation Camp

Donate Blood-Save Lives:

  • Blood means life
  • A noble work
  • Higher requirement
  • Can bring a smile on many faces

Venue: F.C Road, Pune

Date: 5th March

Time: 10 a.m to 6 p.m

Contact: The Secretary, Lions Club, Pune



Write a letter to ‘The Secretary requesting him to enroll your name for the Blood Donation Camp

Write a letter to your friend

Manish/ Manisha appealing him or her to donate generously. Tell him or her the importance of Blood Donation.



Dipesh/ Disha Shastri,


Shivaji Nagar,


02 March 2019


The Secretary

Lion’s Club


Subject: Letter of request to enrol for ‘Blood Donation Camp’ in ‘ Gokuldham Society.’


I, Dipesh/ Disha Shastri, a resident of ‘Gokuldham Society’ with due respect request you to enrol your name in the Blood Donation Camp, which we are conducting for the Blood Bank Group. The Camp will be held on 5 March 2019 at F.C. Road, Pune from 10:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m.

Although you may be engrossed in a busy schedule, all of us do humbly request you to take some time to attend the Camp and be a part of the good cause.

Hope you will consider our request and give an answer in the affirmative.

Thanking you in anticipation,

Yours truly,

Dipesh/ Disha Shastri,

Committee Member

Gokuldham Society


Rose Villa

Bandra West

53, Darshan Apartment.,


05 March 2019

Dear Manish/ Manisha,


How are you doing? Hope everything’s okay at home. Sorry for not writing sooner, but I was busy with the exams.

I am writing this letter to share some information about the Blood Donation Camp, which I have been conducting for 3 years. As you are well aware, there are many accident cases and emergencies where people need blood. Our attempt via these Blood Camps is to come together and help a few of them.

Our society is organising a Blood Donation Camp on 5 March 2019 at F.C. Road, Pune from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. I hope you will be able to participate in the Blood Donation Camp and donate blood. Hope you will be a part of this good cause. Meanwhile, please do remember the date and venue mentioned in this letter.

I will wait for your acknowledgement of this email and your response to my invitation.

Please give my regards to Uncle and Aunty.


Dipesh/ Disha

5 B [5 Marks]

5. B. I Dialogue writing:

Draft an imaginary dialogue between a Scientist and Ritesh/ Ruta about the importance of developing Scientific attitude. You can use the following points:

  • Helps to fight against social evils
  • Develops rational and logical thinking
  • Helps to understand the latest technology
  • For the betterment of humanity
  • Strengthens economy

Answer: Activity to be done by the students.


5. B.2 [5 Marks]

Interview Questions:

Imagine you are the monitor of the class. You are asked to conduct an interview of a famous singer. Frame a set of 8 questions with the help of following points:

  • Early life and education
  • Interest tot- thin particular field
  • Guru or Mentor
  • Awards/ Achievements
  • Future Plans and Advise to Youngsters

Answer: Good Morning! Sir. I am excited as I got a chance to interview you and to know you better. Here are some questions that will help us to know more about you.

  1. What is your inspiration to become a singer?
  2. Name your teacher and a role model.
  3. How did you feel when you received the award last year?
  4. Describe your family’s reaction when you received the award.
  5. Give your opinion about the modern musical age.
  6. How do you prepare yourself for any recording or concert?
  7. How many years have you been into singing? What are the hardships that you faced?
  8. Please share with us any of your memorable experiences.
  9. What are the qualities of a good singer? What is your success mantra?
  10. What is the message to your fans or the upcoming artists?

6 [10 Marks]

6 A. Attempt any one of the following: Information Transfer

6 A I. Verbal to non-verbal:

Read the given information and prepare a pie diagram for it.

Annual Water Usage in Maharashtra

Water is life. It is a universal solvent and an important resource. The annual usage of water differs in various sectors of Maharashtra. The major occupation of Maharashtra being agriculture, the maximum amount of available water is used for irrigation that is 86%. The distant following pace of 7% is contributed by the domestic sector, including drinking, washing, cooking, etc. There is a close competition of other sectors which is not far away with 6% usage of water. One of the key factors which play an important role in the development of a nation is the industrial sector. The consumption of water in the industrial sector is very negligible, which is 1%. We know the energy sector plays a vital role in the development of a nation. In this sector, the use of water is almost nil. If we try to observe its place in the chart, we do realise that it holds 0% usage and is yet to open its account.


Maharashtra Board Class 10 English 2019 Question Paper Section V Question 6.I Solution


6. A.2 Non-verbal to Verbal: [5]

Observe the following table and transfer the information into a paragraph:

State-wise Distribution of Urban and Rural Population in India:











Madhya Pradesh






Andhra Pradesh






Answer: The table given here is the State-wise Distribution of Urban and Rural Population in India. First find the population in Maharashtra to be 560 million for Rural population, while the Urban population is at 410 million. Next, Gujarat follows with 320 million for Rural and 190 million for the Urban population. Then comes Madhya Pradesh, where the Rural population is at 440 million and the Urban population at 160 million. After MP, Chhattisgarh has 170 million for Rural population and 40 million for the Urban population. Then is Andhra Pradesh, which has Rural population, right behind Maharashtra with 550 million, while the Urban population of this state is 210 million. The last state is Karnataka, which has a Rural population at 350 million and the Urban population at 180 million. From this, we can see a variance in the distribution of the Rural and Urban population in the various Indian states. It is seen that Maharashtra has the highest in terms of Rural as well as the Urban population, whereas Chhattisgarh has the lowest population.

6. B Attempt any one of the following: [5]

6. B.I. Speech writing:

Prepare a speech to be delivered for the District Level Elocution Competition.

The subject given to you is How to live a happy and joyful life. Use the following points:

  • Live in a stress-free environment
  • Daily meditation and exercise
  • Be in a company of cheerful people
  • Take inspiration from great people

Answer: Activity to be done by students.


6. B.2 View-Couterview [5]

Write your counterview on ‘Children should work to earn during vacations.’

Use the following points:


  • Fruitful use of time
  • Development of skills
  • Financial support to own education and parents
  • Knowledge of transaction
  • Awareness of responsibility

Answer: Activity to be done by the students.


(Creative Writing)

7 [10 Marks]

7 A. Attempt any one of the following:

7. A.1 Expand the theme:

Nature-The Best Teacher

Answer: To be answered by the students themselves.


7. A.2 News Report: Prepare a News Report based on the following headlines:

‘14 Child Labourers were rescued from Firework Factory’.

Answer: Activity to be done by children.

7. B Attempt any one of the following: [5]

7. B. I Developing a story:

Develop a story in about 80-100 words with the following ending:

Give a suitable Title.

_____________ and that’s how he got inspired to avoid the use of plastic.

Answer: How to Avoid Using Plastic?

Activity to be done by students.


7. B.2 Narrating Experience:

Narrate an experience in about 80-100 words beginning with the given words:

It was Sunday, and I was enjoying the latest movie in the theatre with my parents_______

Answer: Activity to be done by students.


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