NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 7 Topsy-Turvy Land and Gulliver’s Travels

English is an interesting subject and a language that connects the globe. It is a crucial subject to study and practise. Hence, students need to study the subject right from the beginning of the academic year. Our subject matter experts have prepared the answers in an elaborate manner with the aim of helping students to come out with flying colours in the exams. These solutions help students to understand the method of answering the questions in an effective manner.

Chapter 7 Topsy-Turvy Land and Gulliver’s Travels has detailed answers, which clear the confusion of the students instantly. Practising the textbook questions on a daily basis helps students to fetch more marks in the exams.

NCERT Solutions Class 5 English Chapter 7 Topsy-Turvy Land
NCERT Solutions Class 5 English Chapter 7 Gulliver’s Travels

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 7 Topsy-Turvy Land and Gulliver’s Travels:

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Access Answers to NCERT Class 5 English Chapter 7 Topsy-Turvy Land

Topsy-Turvy Land

1. When do children go to school in Topsy-turvy Land?


The children go to school at night in Topsy-turvy land.

2. In the poem, if buses travel on the sea, then where do the boats travel? How should it rightly be?


The boats travel on the streets of Topsy-turvy Land. They should travel on the sea.

3. The Topsy Turvy land is very different from our land. Let’s draw a comparison by filling in sentences wherever needed.

Topsy-turvy Land Our land
(i) People walk on their heads. (i) ______________
(ii) ________________ (ii) The buses run on land.
(iii) They wear their hats on feet. (iii) ______________
(iv) ____________ (iv) Boats sail in the sea.
(v) People pay for what they don’t get. (v) ______________


Topsy-turvy Land Our land
(i) People walk on their heads. (i) People walk on their feet.
(ii) The buses run on the sea. (ii) The buses run on land.
(iii) They wear their hats on their feet. (iii) They wear their hats on heads.
(iv) Boats sail in the street. (iv) Boats sail in the sea.
(v) People pay for what they don’t get. (v) People pay for what they get.

4. The words in the sentences are jumbled here. Rearrange them to make meaningful sentences. Words that begin with a capital letter are the first word of the sentence.

(i) Renu naughty is a girl. 

(ii) untidy room Her always is. 

(iii) mother Her advises her clean to it. 

(iv) never listens She her mother to. 

(v) kind of What child a you are?


(i) Renu is a naughty girl.

(ii) Her room is always untidy.

(iii) Her mother advises her to clean it.

(iv) She never listens to her mother.

(v) What kind of a child are you?

5. 1. Write five things that you do at home to make your home look neat and clean. 

(i) _____________________ 

(ii) _____________________

(iii) ____________________

(iv) _____________________

(v) ______________________


(i) I sweep the floor twice a day.

(ii) I mop everyday.

(iii) I arrange the things in their suitable places to make the room tidy.

(iv) I clean the utensils in the kitchen immediately.

(v) I vacuum the entire house regularly to get rid of dust.

6. Two stories got mixed up. Sort them out and write them in the appropriate boxes.

  • We thought the lion had eaten someone. 
  • Suddenly the kite lifted him off the ground and took him over the treetops. 
  • We saw a shoe in the lion’s cage. 
  • Finally, the kite brought him back to the park.
  • Our class had gone to the zoo. 
  • Puran was flying the brand new kite in the park. 
  • Some children stood and screamed, and some ran to the Director of the zoo.
  •  Puran was frightened and excited. 
  • The lion had not eaten anyone, because the shoe was one of the lion’s toys.

The Magic Kite





Who Did the Lion Eat?





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The Magic Kite

Puran was flying the brand new kite in the park. Suddenly the kite lifted him off the ground and took him over the treetops. Puran was frightened and excited. Finally, the kite brought him back to the park.

Who Did the Lion Eat?

Our class had gone to the zoo. We saw a shoe in the lion’s cage. We thought the lion had eaten someone. Some children stood and screamed, and some ran to the Director of the zoo. The lion had not eaten anyone because the shoe was one of the lion’s toys.

Access Answers to NCERT Class 5 English Chapter 7 Gulliver’s Travels

Gulliver’s Travels

1. Why did the captain send the men to the land?


The captain sent the men to the land with vessels to look for water.

2. Why did the men rush back to the ship?


The men were chased by a giant. Hence, they rushed back to the ship.

3. Choose the correct answer. 

(i) The giant carried a reaping hook because 

(a) he was fighting with the other giants. 

(b) he was going to reap the corn. 

(c) he wanted to frighten Gulliver. 

(ii) They put Gulliver on the ground to look at him because 

(a) they had never seen a human before. 

(b) they thought he was a doll. 

(c) they had never seen such a tiny man.

(iii) Gulliver was 

(a) a farmer. 

(b) a sailor. 

(c) a dwarf. 

(d) a giant. 


(i) (b) he was going to reap the corn.

(ii) (c) they had never seen such a tiny man.

(iii) (b) a sailor.

4. Name the creature to whom you would look like Gulliver. 

The creature is now extinct. 

The word begins with the letter D______________________ 


The name of the creature is Dinosaur.

5.  From the text, write the sentence that tells you the following. 

(i) The giant reapers were fascinated by Gulliver. _________________________________________________ 

(ii) Gulliver was a learned man. 


(iii) The farmer’s son thought Gulliver was a toy. 


(iv) The farmer’s wife was a kind-hearted woman.



(i) They all sat on the ground to take a good look at me.

(ii) I tried to speak to them loudly in several languages.

(iii) On seeing me, the child grabbed me from the table and put my head into his mouth.

(iv) Later, she put me on her own bed and covered me with a clean white handkerchief.

6. Read the following sentences carefully. 

The giant farmer’s voice was as loud as a bellowing trumpet. 


The giant farmer’s voice was as loud as thunder. When something is very cold, we say it is as cold as ice. This is because ice is very very cold.

Now complete the following. Use the words given in the box. 

as _______________ as a feather

as _______________ as a tortoise

as _________________ as honey

as _________________ as snow

as _________________ as an ox

as _________________ as night

as _________________ as a rose

as _________________ as a toast

as ________________ as a breeze

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as light as a feather

as slow as a tortoise

as sweet as honey

as white as snow

as strong as an ox

as dark as night

as red as a rose

as warm as a toast

as gentle as a breeze

7. Use the above expressions to complete the following sentences.

(i) The old man’s hair is as white _____________________. 

(ii) His feet were as cold _____________.

(iii)  The newspaper boy was as slow _______________ ___________in delivering the papers. 

(iv) I felt as light ____________after exercising.


(i) The old man’s hair is as white as snow.

(ii) His feet were as cold as ice.

(iii) The newspaper boy was as slow as a tortoise in delivering the papers.

(iv) I felt as light as a feather after exercising

8. Create your own comparisons for the following. Work in pairs

as tall as _____________

as fast as ____________

as high as ____________

as angry as ___________

as tiny as ____________

as brave as ____________


as tall as the Qutub Minar

as fast as a Cheetah

as high as the Mount Everest

as angry as a bull

as tiny as an ant

as brave as a soldier

9. Now look at the pictures and discuss in groups why the following events happened. You may find more than one reason for each of them. 

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1. One of the leading actors met with an accident. Hence, the play got cancelled.

2. The Principal of the school had got a severe heart attack. Therefore, the play got cancelled.

1. They are walking because the destination is near to them.

2. Walking in the moonlit night after dinner is good for their health. Hence, they are walking.

10. Match the following and write complete sentences in the lines below.

What was happening? What happened?
(i) I was writing a letter the lights went out.
(ii) Paul was looking out of the window. the bell rang.
(iii) *He was looking for his dog. he noticed a lovely butterfly.
(iv) *I was just completing the last answer. he fell off the ladder.
(v) The man was painting the wall. I met Arun.
(vi) Amit was doing his homework. my pen ran out.
(vii) My mother was cooking dinner. ma’am said “Stop writing”.

(i) I was writing a letter when ________________________ 

(ii) ___________________________________________________ 

(iii) *When I met Arun, he was looking for his dog. 

(iv) *_________________________________________________

(v) ___________________________________________________ 

(vi) ___________________________________________________ 

(vii) __________________________________________________

*Please note that sometimes the order of the sentences changes.


(i) I was writing a letter when my pen ran out of ink.

(ii) Paul was looking out of the window when he noticed a lovely butterfly.

(iii) When I met Arun, he was looking for his dog.

(iv) I was just completing the last answer when ma’am said, “Stop writing”.

(v) The man was painting the wall when he fell off the ladder.

(vi) Amit was doing his homework when the lights went out.

(vii) When the bell rang, my mother was cooking dinner.

11. Now complete the following suitably. 

(i) I was sitting in a taxi yesterday when _____________ 

(ii) He was cleaning out his cupboard when_____________ 

(iii) _____________ a dog ran out onto the road. 

(iv) _____________ the teacher walked into the room.


(i) I was sitting in a taxi yesterday when I saw an old gentleman calling me.

(ii) He was cleaning out his cupboard when he came across old photographs in his diary.

(iii) I was walking fast when a dog ran out onto the road.

(iv) Students were gossiping loudly when the teacher walked into the room.

12. Now complete the following in the same way using the words easy or strong.

(i) Skipping is ______________. 

Jumping is ________________ than skipping.

Walking is the _____________ of all. 

(ii) The dog is ____________.

The horse is _____________.

The elephant is ___________.


(i) Skipping is easy.

Jumping is easier than skipping.

Walking is the easiest of all.

(ii) The dog is strong.

The horse is stronger than the dog.

The elephant is the strongest of them all.

13. Now complete the following in the same way using the words juicy or exciting . The order may vary according to your choice.

apple ___________

orange ____________

sugarcane ___________

rock climbing _________

skiing ___________

river rafting ___________


apple is juicy.

orange is juicier than apple.

sugarcane is the juiciest of them all.

rock climbing is exciting.

skiing is more exciting than rock climbing.

river rafting is the most exciting of them all.

14. Correct the use of the describing words in the following sentences. 

(i) This is the simpler problem of them all. 

(ii) Which is the lightest of the two parcels? 

(iii) He is cleverer than I am. 

(iv) I like this the best of the two. 

(v) The flood became badder as the rain increased.


(i) This is the simplest problem of them all.

(ii) Which is the lighter of the two parcels?

(iii) He is cleverer than me.

(iv) I like this the better of the two.

(v) The flood became worse as the rain increased.

15. Punctuate the following sentences using capital letters, full stops (.) commas (,) question marks (?) apostrophe ( ‘ ) exclamation mark (!) wherever necessary.

dear samir, 

i am sending you a photograph of my newest pet frisky is a bulldog and a very playful puppy by next summer he should be old enough to go with us on our long walks i m sure you are looking forward to seeing him I know you will like him 

warm regards 



Dear Samir,

I am sending you a photograph of my newest pet. Frisky is a bulldog and a very playful puppy. By the next summer, he should be old enough to go with us on our long walks. I’m sure you’re looking forward to seeing him. I know you’ll like him.

Warm regards,


16. Punctuate the following sentences 

(i) next wednesday my sister mita is going to join the state bank of india 

(ii) the dog wags its tail when its pleased but a cat waves its tail when its angry 

(iii) when I went fishing I caught an old shoe a plastic bag and a bad cold 

(iv) she fed the baby washed the dishes put the lights off and went to sleep 

(v) wasn’t tim born on the 26th of january 1989 

(vi) oh no the bus has gone


(i) Next Wednesday, my sister, Mita, is going to join the State Bank of India.

(ii) The dog wags its tail when it’s pleased, but the cat waves its tail when it’s angry.

(iii) When I went fishing, I caught an old shoe, a plastic bag and a bad cold.

(iv) She fed the baby, washed the dishes, put the lights off and went to sleep.

(v) Wasn’t Tim born on the 26th of January 1989?

(vi) Oh no! The bus has gone.

17. Fill in the blanks. 

(i) A giant tree Red wood trees of California 

(ii) A giant bird ________________________ 

(iii) A giant land animal ________________________ 

(iv) A giant water creature _______________________

(v) A giant reptile __________________________

(vi) A giant aeroplane ____________________________


(i) A giant tree Red wood trees of California

(ii) A giant bird Ostrich

(iii) A giant land animal Elephant

(iv) A giant water creature Whale

(v) A giant aeroplane A-380

18. You woke up one morning and found yourself in the land of dwarfs! 

Write a paragraph describing your experiences there and how you got back home finally. You may begin like this. 

Everything around me looked different. _______________________



Everything around me looked different. All men and women were so tiny. The appearance of the children was as if they were big dots on the ground. The height of the houses was only one and a half feet high. The dishes which were eaten by these people were two or three inches in diameter. It was a different experience, which I had never faced before. I was surprised to see them. But at the same time, I felt happy that these dwarf people were so kind to me. They helped me a lot to go back home.

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 7 Topsy-turvy Land

This poem tells us about the Topsy-turvy Land, where people walk on their heads, wear hats on their feet, children go to school by night, buses travel on the sea and people pay for what they don’t get. In order to give the most standard solutions to students, our teachers, who have vast experience, have prepared the solutions in a precise manner. These solutions help students to obtain an idea of framing the answers effectively to secure high marks when they appear for their examinations.

Chapter 7 Topsy-turvy Land:

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NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 7 Gulliver’s Travels

This chapter is the story of Gulliver, a sailor who was caught in the land of Giants. He described his experience when a farmer took him to his house and placed him on a dining table which was thirty feet high from the ground. The farmer’s son grabbed him to eat. He shouted so loudly that the farmer’s son dropped him down. Gulliver would have broken his neck if the farmer’s wife hadn’t held her apron under him. Students can make use of the solutions formulated by experienced teachers to grasp the concepts in-depth. These solutions help students to obtain an in-depth knowledge of key concepts covered in the chapter.

Chapter 7 Gulliver’s Travels:

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Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 7


What are the advantages of NCERT Solutions in CBSE Examinations?

The solutions are provided in a systematic manner to help students ace the exams. Students can access the NCERT Solutions in a PDF format for a better understanding of the concepts while solving textbook questions. The detailed answers to all the questions make learning an easy process for the students. Students learn to frame the answers in a creative way by practising NCERT Solutions on a daily basis.


How do people walk in the Topsy-turvy Land in Chapter 7 of NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English?

According to the poet, people walk on their heads in Topsy-turvy Land. The precise answers prepared by our experts improve the grammatical skills of the students. Regular practice of NCERT Solutions enables students to answer questions more effectively in exams. Following these solutions not only clears doubts immediately but also enhances skills which are required for better performance among students.


How do you come to know that the farmer’s wife was kind towards Gulliver in Chapter 7 of NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English?

The farmer’s son grabbed Gulliver from the table to eat. He shouted so loudly that the farmer’s son dropped him down on the ground. Then the child’s mother put her apron under Gulliver and put him on her bed by covering him with a clean white handkerchief. The accurate answers by our experts improve writing skills, which are essential for securing high marks in exams. Diligent practice of these solutions helps students to analyse the type of important questions which would appear in the board exams.


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