NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 8 Nobody’s Friend and The Little Bully

Students often consider English a crucial subject to study. Regular practice of solutions helps students to create interest in the subject. Students need to prepare themselves well in this competitive age. An examination is a challenge in every student’s life. Subject matter experts have developed the most reliable NCERT Solutions to help students crack the exam effortlessly. These solutions assist students in understanding the idea of framing the solutions accurately to obtain a good score in the exams.

Chapter 8 Nobody’s Friend and The Little Bully has solutions crafted by our expert faculty in a simple manner according to the latest syllabus of CBSE. In order to excel in the exams, students need to understand the fundamental concepts thoroughly discussed in the chapter.

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 8 Nobody’s Friend
NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 8 The Little Bully

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 8 Nobody’s Friend and The Little Bully:

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Access Answers to NCERT Class 5 English Chapter 8 Nobody’s Friend

Nobody’s Friend

1. What are the things the girl does not want to share?


The things that the girl does not want to share are sweets, a book and her doll.

2. Did the boy share his toffee and tricycle with others?


No, the boy did not share his toffee and tricycle with others.

3. Why are the two children nobody’s friends?


The two children do not share their things with anyone. Hence, the two children are nobody’s friends.

4. What does the child in the last stanza want to share?


The child in the last stanza wants to share her sweets, ball, books, games, apple and cake.

5. Do you like to share your favourite food or toys with others? Why?


Yes, I like to share my favourite food or toys with others because it makes me happy.

6. Who is your best friend? Can you describe him/her?


Shreya is my best friend. She is an intelligent girl. She loves to share things with me. She always helps me whenever I have a problem.

7. Suppose you and your friends were very thirsty, and there was only one glass of water. What would you do?


I would share the glass of water.

8. If you had a bat, could you play cricket by yourself?


No, a game cannot be played alone. We need friends to play.

9. Can you find more words ending with -less 

friendless, homeless, _________________



friendless, homeless, hopeless, restless, helpless, useless, fearless.

10. Can you write the opposite of 

(i) lend b ________________ w 

(ii) nobody s _____________ y


(i) The opposite of lend is borrow.

(ii) The opposite of nobody is somebody.

11. Read the given sentences and underline the no word in each. 

(i) Nobody is at home. 

(ii) Ram has no book. 

(iii) Can no one help him? 

(iv) Was Gopal nowhere around? 

(v) None of the two boys came. 

(vi) There is nothing to do. 

(vii) I have no coat. 

(viii) Radha is never late.


(i) Nobody is at home.

(ii) Ram has no book.

(iii) Can no one help him?

(iv) Was Gopal nowhere around?

(v) None of the two boys came.

(vi) There is nothing to do.

(vii) I have no coat.

(viii) Radha is never late.

12. Now write words that rhyme with 

train ___________ ______________ ______________

friend __________ _____________ _____________


train, chain, grain, plain.

friend, end, spend, trend.


Access Answers to NCERT Class 5 English Chapter 8 The Little Bully

The Little Bully

1. Why did all the children hate Hari?

(i) Because he would not talk to anyone. 

(ii) Because he always pinched them. 

(iii) Because he loved stealing their food.


(ii) Because he always pinched them.

2. “Nobody took Hari’s hand. Nobody went near him. Nobody played with him.” This shows that Hari had 

(i) many friends. 

(ii) few friends. 

(iii) no friends.


(iii) no friends.

3. Which of the following actions would make a friendly person? Write them down.

  • Respecting other people.
  • Eating a small child’s tiffin.
  • Calling people rude names.
  • Pushing a smaller boy and making him cry.
  • Being helpful to everyone.
  • Helping your classmates in school.
  • Mocking at friends and hurting their feelings.
  • Protecting a weaker person.


The actions which make a friendly person are

  • Respecting other people.
  • Being helpful to everyone.
  • Helping your classmates in school.
  • Protecting a weaker person.

4. Find out words which are opposites or are closest to being the opposites of the words given below. Then write down the opposites in the grid.

Down  Across
1. Smile        3. quiet
2. happy 5. punish
4. strong

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NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English The Little Bully - 2

5. Hari was pinched till he was black and blue.  ‘Black and blue’ means 

(i) Hari fell down in pain. 

(ii) there were bruises on his body. 

(iii) Hari painted himself in colours. 

(iv) Hari had a black and blue shirt.


Black and blue means there were bruises on his body.

6. ‘I shan’t pinch anyone anymore’. Shan’t means. 

(i) shall 

(ii) should 

(iii) shall not 

(iv) will not


Shan’t means shall not

7. Give the full forms of

won’t ______________________ 

weren’t ________________________

wouldn’t ______________________

couldn’t _______________________


won’t will not

weren’t were not

wouldn’t would not

couldn’t could not

A girl was sitting quietly beside him. Hari leapt to his feet, crying loudly. 

The words quietly and loudly tell us how an action is being done. 

8. Find five more words ending in which denote how something is done

(i) ____________ ly

(ii) ____________ ly

(iii) ___________ ly

(iv) ___________ ly

(v) ____________ ly


(i) bravely

(ii) neatly

(iii) softly

(iv) quickly

(v) boldly

9. Add -ly to the following words.

clear merry weary double
dreary bright bad  fond

Now can you make sentences with these words.


  • clear – clearly

The new girl in the class cannot speak the language clearly.

  • merry – merrily

Rohan celebrated his birthday merrily.

  • weary – wearily

He walked up the stairs wearily carrying heavy packs.

  • double – doubly

He felt doubly guilty for not clearing his exam.

  • dreary – drearily

She stared at herself drearily in the mirror.

  • bright – brightly

He smiled brightly as she wished him.

  • bad – badly

The car was badly damaged in the accident.

  • fond – fondly

Every mother touches her child fondly.

10. Complete the blanks with rhyming words of the following and practice aloud.

bruise c ____________

carriage m ___________

prawn d ____________

creatures fe_____________

teachers pr____________

vowed c_____________

bruise choose

carriage marriage

prawn dawn

creatures features

teachers preachers

vowed cloud

11. How did the seaside creatures, the crab, the lobster etc. teach Hari a lesson? Write in a few lines. 




The seaside creatures, the crab, the lobster pinched Hari with their pincer- like claws. They pinched him until he became black and blue and cried in pain. From this incident he realised they did what he had been doing to other children. He came to know the pain of being pinched by others. He took a vow not to pinch or prick other children anymore.

12. Now fill in the blanks with appropriate articles 

(i) Hari was ______________ unpopular boy. 

(ii) The boys and girls went to ____________ seaside for a picnic. 

(iii) He saw ____________big crab coming towards him. 

(iv) I found ____________ empty bottle, floating in the water. 

(v) __________ sea creatures ate his food.


(i) Hari was an unpopular boy.

(ii) The boys and girls went to the seaside for a picnic.

(iii) He saw a big crab coming towards him.

(iv) I found an empty bottle, floating in the water.

(v) The sea creatures ate his food.

13. Can you tell the difference between a turtle and a tortoise? Write a few lines.

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1. Turtles have a flat back, whereas tortoises have a dome shaped back.

2. Turtles live both on land and in water, whereas tortoises live on water.

3. Turtles are omnivores, whereas tortoises are herbivores.

4. Turtle shells are lighter, whereas tortoise shells are harder.

5. Turtles are found in America and Africa, whereas tortoises are found in Asia and Africa.

14. Describe what is happening in the picture. Use is/are and _ing to make your sentences. Clues are given in the box.

swing sit climb
lick slid kick

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English The Little Bully - 4

For example Krishna is swinging. 

(i) Mary _____________ up the slide. 

(ii) Hari __________ and boxing her. 

(iii) Little Bitoo _____________ a lollipop 

(iv) Rita ___________________ down the slide. 


(i) Mary is climbing up the slide.

(ii) Hari is kicking and boxing her.

(iii) Little Bitoo is licking a lollipop.

(iv) Rita is sliding down the slide.

15.Imagine what the children will do in the playground tomorrow. You can take some hints from the words given in the box. e.g. John will play kabbadi tomorrow.

play football jump
race badminton run


1. Rohanpreet will play tennis.

2. Sunil will play football tomorrow.

3. Sanjay will jump.

4. Vijay and Tarun will take part in the race.

5. Ranjeet will play badminton in this tournament.

6. Anita and Sunita will run.

16. Work in groups of four. See the picture of a shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean. 

Suppose you went deep-sea diving. What would you find? Think of all the words that come to your mind, then build a paragraph. Share your story with other groups.

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If I went deep sea diving, I would see all the colourful water animals. I would find colourful fish, lobsters in the sea. I may also find precious jewels which I wish to collect. I may find the pearls in the shells present in the sea. I can observe the starfish, turtles sunk at the bottom.

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 8 Nobody’s Friend

This poem talks about a girl who does not like to share her sweets, book and doll and would be nobody’s friend. According to the poet, the child who shares her things with others will become a friend to everyone. The solutions are designed by our faculty in a comprehensive manner as per the current syllabus of the CBSE board. It is extremely important for students to practise the solutions on a daily basis and face exams with confidence. To excel with good marks, students need to focus on solving the previous year questions and sample papers.

Chapter 8 Nobody’s Friend:

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NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 8 The Little Bully

This chapter explains the story of a boy called Hari who loved to pinch and prick others with a pin. He could make a big bruise on others in half a second. This made his friends hate him. He realised his mistake when a crab and a lobster pinched him hard with their pincer-like claws. They pricked him till he was black and blue with their pinching. It was only after this Hari decided not to pinch or prick others anymore. Students can download the solutions in PDF format from the updated links.

Chapter 8 The Little Bully:

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Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 8


Are NCERT Solutions the best study material for exam preparation?

Yes, the NCERT Solutions are the right tool as it provides a lot of questions to practice. The solutions are described in an interactive manner and are unique as the topics are not stretched beyond their necessary length. Every concept of the textbook is well structured comprehensively by a set of experts based on the intelligence quotient of students. Practising these solutions diligently improves the skills, which are vital from an exam perspective.


What do you think about why the girl would be nobody’s friend in Chapter 8 of NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English?

The girl in the poem would not like to share her sweets, a book and a doll with others. According to the poet, a child who does not share their things with others would be nobody’s friend. The questions of the NCERT textbook provide an excellent boost to study the concepts in-depth and score excellently in the examinations. Students are suggested to practise these solutions effectively, which would help them to have a strong grip on the language.


Why does nobody want to sit next to Hari in Chapter 8 of NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English?

Hari was a boy who loved to tease all the boys and girls in school. He loved to pinch and prick others. He could make bruises appear within half a second with his hard pinch. Hence, children hated to sit next to him when they went to the picnic. Practising NCERT Solutions prepared by experts in this field is the best way to obtain knowledge in English. The solutions are designed based on the syllabus prescribed by CBSE. These solutions are interactive and help students to grasp the grammar of the language more effectively.


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