Germination is a process observed in plants wherein the seed undergoes changes to grow into a seedling or a young plant. It is the basic process through which various species grow into a plant from a single seed. The process of seed germination has an impact on the yield of crop and quality of crops. One such example is of that we observe during sprouting of seedlings from gymnosperm or angiosperm seeds.
1. A few normal seedlings of tomato were placed in a dark room. After a few days, they were found to have turned white-coloured like albinos. Which of these can be used to describe them?
(a) Defoliated
(b) Etiolated
(c) Embolised
(d) Mutated
Answer: (b)
2. Gibberellins can facilitate seed germination due to their influence on
(a) synthesis of abscisic acid
(b) rate of cell division
(c) production of hydrolyzing enzymes
(d) absorption of water through the hard seed coat
Answer: (c)
3. An enzyme which can stimulate the germination of barley seeds is
(a) Invertase
(b) Lipase
(c) Protease
(d) Ξ±-amylase
Answer: (d)
4. During the germination of seeds, the seed coat ruptures due to
(a) massive imbibition of water
(b) differentiation of cotyledons
(c) a sudden increase in cell division
(d) massive glycolysis in cotyledons and endosperm
Answer: (a)
5. The proteinaceous part of maize endosperm is
(a) Peripheral layer
(b) scutellum
(c) Apophysis
(d) Aleurone layer
Answer: (d)
6. One of these gases is required for the germination of pea seeds
(a) nitrogen
(b) oxygen
(c) water vapours
(d) hydrogen
Answer: (b)
7. Seed dormancy allows the plants to
(a) develop healthy seeds
(b) reduce viability
(c) overcome unfavourable climatic conditions
(d) prevent deterioration of seeds
Answer: (c)
8. The protective covering over radical during the germination of seeds is
(a) Coleoptile
(b) Epithelium
(c) Suspensor
(d) Coleorhiza
Answer: (d)
9. Which of these compounds can induce seed dormancy?
(a) Potassium nitrate
(b) ABA
(c) Gibberellins
(d) Ethylene
Answer: (b)
10. An albuminous seed showing hypogeal germination is
(a) bean
(b) castor
(c) gram
(d) maize
Answer: (d)
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Whats means by seed harvesting and sowing?
Harvesting is an all inclusive process of growing plants, edible plants specifically, right from the stage when they are seeds till they reach maturity. On the other hand, sowing seeds involves scattering or dispersing seeds in order for them to grow; it is the process of planting.