One of the most well-known online Olympiad organisations is CREST Olympiads. The organisation’s goal is to examine students’ practical knowledge and assist them in applying what they’ve learnt in various industries. CREST Olympiads also aid in the development of a student’s conceptual understanding, allowing them to take any competitive test with confidence. CCO is one of the most effective venues for students to acquire and enhance their computer skills and knowledge.
Please Note: This page will be updated soon
The Olympiad assists students in analysing their strengths and shortcomings, depending on their national performance. The CREST Cyber Olympiad (CCO) is a worldwide online competition for students in grades 1 to 10. For all classes, there will be just one level. The exam is a 60-minute objective-type test that students must complete. We will discuss more on the CCO exam 2022 in this article.
Exam Highlights and Important Dates
Conducting Body | CREST Olympiad |
Exam | Crest Cyber Olympiad |
Short Form | CCO |
CCO Practice Exam |
CCO Practice Exam Answer Key | Practice exam 2 – 19 Dec 2022 till 20 Dec 2022 |
CCO Level 1 Exam Dates |
CCO Result Dates | To be announced |
CCO Exam Pattern
Specifics | Features |
Syllabus | CBSE, ICSE/ISC, and other state boards’ syllabi |
Question Type | Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) |
Registration Fees |
Exam Duration | 1 hour |
Mode of Examination | Online |
No. of Questions |
Marking Scheme |
Class-wise Marking Scheme
Class | Topic/Section | No. of Questions | Marks per Question | Total Marks | Total Time
(in minutes) |
1 to 4 | Computers & IT | 25 | 1 | 25 | |
Achievers Section | 10 | 2 | 20 | ||
Grand Total | 35 | 45 | 60 | ||
5 to 10 | Computers & IT | 40 | 1 | 40 | |
Achievers Section | 10 | 2 | 20 | ||
Grand Total | 50 | 60 | 60 |
CCO Registration 2022
CREST Olympiads are open to students in grades 1 to 10. Students can register either through their school or on their own. All CREST Olympiad-registered schools will get a prospectus containing registration forms for school registration. Students who are interested should contact the school coordinator with their names and roll numbers.
Students can enrol as independent contestants if their schools do not engage in CREST Olympiad. Students should register on the official CREST Olympiads website for individual registration.
Syllabus for the CREST Cyber Olympiad
The CREST Cyber Olympiad Syllabus test papers are based on the CBSE, ICSE/ISC, and other state boards’ syllabi. The test is conducted in English.
Class 1 Syllabus
Section 1
- Introduction to computers
- Parts of computer
- Uses of computer
- Keys and keyboard
- Computer mouse
- Starting and shutting down the computer
- Introduction to MS-Paint
- Latest developments in the field of IT
Achievers Section: Higher-order thinking questions-syllabus as per section 1
Questions are based on Windows 7
Class 2 Syllabus
Section 1
- Computers- A smart machine
- General information about computers
- Parts of computer
- Uses of computer
- Learning to use a keyboard and mouse
- MS-Paint
- Latest developments in the field of IT
Achievers Section: Higher-order thinking questions-syllabus as per section 1
Questions are based on Windows 7
Class 3 Syllabus
Section 1
- Fundamentals of computer
- General information about computers
- Storage devices
- Parts of computer
- Uses of computer
- Input and output devices
- Introduction to the internet
- MS-Paint
- Introduction to MS-Word (opening, closing, saving & printing a word document, components of MS-Word window, editing commands like cut, copy, paste, undo, & redo, and moving in a document using home and end keys)
- Latest developments in the field of IT
Achievers Section: Higher-order thinking questions-syllabus as per section 1
Questions are based on Windows 7 and MS Office 2010.
Class 4 Syllabus
Section 1
- About computers (general information)
- Evolution of computers
- Parts of computer
- Input and output devices
- Hardware
- Software
- MS-Word (formatting a word document, font group, format painter, search using find & replace option, check spelling and grammar using thesaurus)
- Using windows
- Introduction to the internet and its uses
- Computer networks
- MS-Paint
- Latest developments in the field of IT
Achievers Section: Higher-order thinking questions-syllabus as per section 1
Questions are based on Windows 7 and MS Office 2010.
Class 5 Syllabus
Section 1
- Input and output devices
- Hardware
- Software
- Storage devices
- Memory– Primary & secondary memory
- MS-Paint
- Introduction to multimedia
- MS-Word (paragraph formatting using paragraph group, drop cap, document views, inserting graphics-pictures & shapes, clip arts, symbols, smart art, multimedia objects, text box, inserting header & footer in a document, and exploring its features)
- Introduction to MS-PowerPoint (a component of MS-PowerPoint window & its features, inserting graphics-pictures & shapes, clip arts, symbols, smart art, multimedia objects, text box, inserting header & footer and exploring its features, running slide shows, and presentation views)
- Internet
- Computer networks
- Using windows
- Latest developments in the field of IT
Achievers Section: Higher-order thinking questions-syllabus as per section 1
Questions are based on Windows 7 and MS Office 2010.
Class 6 Syllabus
Section 1
- History and generation of computers
- Types of computers
- MS-Windows
- MS-Word (working with charts & tables, using page layout tab, and arranging multiple windows of a document)
- MS-PowerPoint (creating a presentation using animation, custom animation & transitions, creating new slides using slides pane, outline pane & slides from an outline, working with hand-out & notes master, arranging multiple windows of a presentation, and working with charts & tables)
- Internet & e-mail
- Hardware
- Software
- Input & output devices
- Memory & storage devices
- Latest developments in the field of IT
Achievers Section: Higher-order thinking questions-syllabus as per section 1
Questions are based on Windows 7 and MS Office 2010.
Class 7 Syllabus
Section 1
- Fundamentals of computer
- Evolution of computers
- Memory & storage devices
- Using Windows
- MS-Word (links, mail merge, macros, and exploring styles group)
- MS-PowerPoint (working with slides master & themes, advancing slides using hyperlinks & actions, customizing, and broadcasting slide shows)
- MS-Excel (components of MS-Excel Window, editing & formatting cells in a worksheet, introduction to formulas, sorting & filtering data, macros, and features of insert & page layout tabs)
- Internet & viruses
- Networking
- Latest developments in the field of IT
Achievers Section: Higher-order thinking questions-syllabus as per section 1
Questions are based on Windows 7 and MS Office 2010.
Class 8 Syllabus
Section 1
- Fundamentals of computers
- Internet & viruses
- HTML, head, and title
- Body (attributes: background, background color, text, link, A link, and V link)
- Font (attributes: color, size, and face)
- Centre and BR
- HR (attributes: size, width, align, no shade, and color)
- Comment tag (<! .H6, P, B, I, U, IMG, HTML Elements: A, (attributes: type, start), Li]
- Flash CS6
- MS-Access
- Networking
- MS-Word (exploring file tab, language & translate options, tracking features- comments, reviewing pane, tracking changes, comparing, combining & protecting documents, and working with references)
- MS-PowerPoint (exploring file tab & slide show tab, comparing, combining, and protecting presentations)
- MS-Excel (exploring file tab, useful formulas & functions – if, even, odd, lcm, gcd, power, product, round, square, sum, min, max, average, count, upper, lower & replace, cell referencing, and using defined names group)
- Memory & storage devices
- Basics of cyber crimes
- Cyber laws
- Operating systems (introduction, features, and types-single user & multi-user)
- Latest developments in the field of IT
Achievers Section: Higher-order thinking questions-syllabus as per section 1
Questions are based on Windows 7 and MS Office 2010.
Class 9 Syllabus
Section 1
- Algorithms and flowcharts in programming
- Visual basic and animations
- HTML (links, anchors, and table tags)
- MS-Word
- MS-Excel (formula auditing, data tools, protecting & sharing workbooks/worksheets, and working with cell range)
- MS-PowerPoint
- Hardware
- Software
- Input & output devices
- Memory & storage devices
- Flash CS6
- Communication technology (networking, internet, and multimedia)
- Operating systems (types-interactive (GUI based), real-time & distributed, and commonly used OS)
- Windows
- Latest developments in the field of IT
Achievers Section: Higher-order thinking questions-syllabus as per section 1
Questions are based on Windows 7 and MS Office 2010.
Class 10 Syllabus
Section 1
- Fundamentals of computer
- Operating system
- Word processing tool
- Networking
- MS-PowerPoint
- MS-Excel
- Internet
- Database management system (functions, types, and MS-Access)
- Latest developments in the field of IT
Achievers Section: Higher-order thinking questions-syllabus as per section 1
CCO Awards and Recognition
- A certificate of merit will be awarded to the top 15% of pupils.
- The top 5% of students will be awarded a medal and a certificate of distinction.
- The top three pupils (registered through school) from each school with more than 25 students in a class taking the Olympiad exam will get a merit certificate.
- An achiever’s trophy and a merit certificate will be given to the top three pupils in each class from 1 to 10.
- Each participant will receive a digital participation certificate.
- If a student meets two or more of the requirements, they will be eligible for a higher prize.
Other CREST Olympiad Exams
CREST Mathematics Olympiad (CMO) |
CREST English Olympiad (CEO) |
CREST Reasoning Olympiad (CRO) |
CREST Science Olympiad (CSO) |
CREST International Spell Bee (CSB) |
CREST International Spell Bee (CSBW) |