IEO Class 8 Syllabus

The Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) organises the International English Olympiad for school students in partnership with the British Council. It’s an English language and grammatical competition that allows participants to assess their own talents, fluency, and competency in the English language. Students participate in IEO at a variety of levels, including national and international competitions.

Please Note: This page will be updated soon

The SOF IEO course is based entirely on the school curriculum; however, it emphasises English communication and usage in everyday life. The four areas of the IEO Syllabus 2022-23 are Word & Structure Knowledge, Reading, Spoken & Written Expression, and Achievers. The SOF IEO Level 1 paper has 35 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) for grades 1 to 4, and the question paper for grades 5 to 12 contains 50 questions for 60 points.

IEO Syllabus for Class 8

  • Total number of questions – 50
  • Time – 1 hour

The IEO syllabus for Class 8 is divided into four sections, each of which includes the topics listed below.

Section 1 Antonyms, Synonyms, Spellings and Analogies, Phrasal Verbs, Collocations, Proverbs or Idioms, Homophones and Homonyms, One word, Pronouns, Nouns, Adverbs, Verbs, Adjectives, Prepositions, Articles, Participle Phrases, Prepositional Phrases, Conjunctions, Determiners, Punctuations and Jumbled Words, Tenses, Question Tags, Narrations and Voices, etc. Words related to leisure, Social causes, Household items/issues, Outdoor locations and activities, etc.
Section 2 Search for and retrieve information from various text types such as Blurb, News reports, Dictionaries, etc., and understand the information presented in instruction manual format, message format and others. Acquire a broad understanding of and look for particular information in longer texts like Essays, Editorials, etc.
Section 3 Ability to understand situation-based variations in functions, such as giving information, requesting, Pronunciation, expressing surprise, etc.
Section 4 Higher-order thinking questions include the syllabus as per the 1st, 2nd and 3rd sections.

Reference Material for SOF IEO 2022-23

In addition to the NCERT books and other coursebooks mandated by CBSE/ ICSE/ State Boards, the following books and materials for SOF IEO preparation are accessible on the official website:

  • Class-wise Workbooks for classes 1 to 10
  • SOF Olympiad Trainer’ Mobile Applications
  • Olympiad Skill Development System (OSDS)
  • E-Quiz
  • Previous Years’ Papers

Frequently Asked Questions on IEO Class 8 Syllabus


When is the IEO result declared?

SOF declared the IEO level 1 result on December 12, 2022.

What is the IEO Olympiad syllabus?

The Olympiad follows the syllabus provided by the various state boards, including ICSE and CBSE.

To study for the IEO 2022-23 test, which books should I use?

For IEO exam preparation, you can use NCERT books recommended by CBSE/ICSE and state boards.

Is there a difference between the IEO 2021 and 2022 syllabuses?

The SOF IEO syllabus has not changed for 2022.