IEO Exam Result

The International English Olympiad (IEO) is a competition for students who have passed an international English language test. Students in grades 1 to 12 are eligible to take this exam. The IEO is a one-level exam. The exam must be registered through your school. Although the exam is not particularly challenging, the extra effort can help you earn a high score.

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The IEO test results are announced by the Science Olympiad Foundation for all applicants who take the exam. The IEO Exam Results for Level 1 and Level 2 are announced separately. The SOF usually sends the IEO Exam Results to the participating pupils’ schools. The IEO results are published on the official website in an online format. Students who take the exam must go to the official website and check their IEO Exam Results by entering their roll number and other necessary credentials.

Essential Points of the IEO Examination

Any school can enrol to become a SOF IEO Level 1 centre. The institution does not have to pay a fee to become a registered examination centre. Every SOF-registered school receives a prospectus with registration forms. Schools must return the registration forms to SOF by the due date, duly filled out and complete. Schools that have not yet registered can request a prospectus by emailing

Schools in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal pay SOF a registration fee of Rs. 125 per student, inclusive of GST, to cover the cost of the examinations. Students with a severe physical disability or Indian students whose parents were martyred in a military operation are exempt from paying the fee. Schools may charge an additional Rs. 25 to compensate for the in-honorarium, instructor wages, and other expenses per pupil.

The overview of the IEO (International English Olympiad) is tabulated below.

Full-Form of IEO International English Olympiad
Conducting Body Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF)
Languages English
Frequency of Conduct Once a year
Exam Level Intermediate
Exam Duration 1 Hour
Mode of Application Offline

Result of the IEO Examination

Students who take the International English Olympiad (IEO) exam can check their results online, which is very convenient. The following are the steps to check IEO results:

  • Visit the official IEO results website.
  • Select the exam from the drop-down menu, for example, 2022 IEO Results.
  • Fill in the blanks with your IEO exam roll number in the format provided.
  • Answer the question to complete the captcha.
  • Select View Results from the drop-down menu.
  • On the screen, you’ll see the results of your IEO exam. Analyze the result and save it for later use.

Frequently Asked Questions on IEO Exam Result


How do I verify the results of my IEO Level 2 exam?

The Level 1 IEO Results are sent directly to the appropriate schools, eliminating the need for students or parents to struggle to view the results. However, the result of IEO Level 2 tests can be verified on the SOF website by students and parents. The only information they need is the students’ roll numbers from their Level 2 admission cards.

How many levels are there in the English Olympiad test?

The International English Olympiad (IEO) consists of two levels. Students who achieve good results in the first level of the exam are eligible to attempt the second level. The first level of the IEO exam is taken during school hours at the respective schools. Students’ performance at level 1 is reviewed using a variety of criteria to decide who is eligible for the level 2 exam. The Level 2 test is not open to students in Classes 1 and 2. Only students in grades 3 to 12 are eligible to take Level 2 exams.

What happens if candidates in the IEO tie in for the same position?

When candidates have the same rank, SOF uses tie-breaking criteria to break the tie. The ultimate rank is determined after looking at the students’ section-by-section scores. The Achiever’s portion is given the most importance. The marks from the Word and Structure Knowledge part are then examined. If students receive the same grade in this section, the Reading portion will be reviewed. Finally, the marks for Spoken and Written Expressions are tallied.


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