NESJS Result

The Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT) administers the National Standard Examination in Junior Science (NSEJS). The NSEJS is the first step in qualifying for the International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO). The National Standard Examination in Junior Science, or NSEJS 2022-23, will be released online by IAPT in December 2022.

Please Note: This page will be updated soon

On, students will be able to see their NSEJS scores and results. The NSEJS MI and MAS marks will be available on the official website as well. The final NSEJS result for 2022-23 will be published as a merit list. The NSEJS 2022-23 result list will include the names and roll numbers of students who were chosen for the INO test.

NSEJS Result Date

Events Tentative Dates
NSEJS 2022 exam date November 27, 2022
Online result date through login December 29, 2022
Release of list of candidates with MAS & MI December 2022
Final NSEJS result 2022 date December 2022

How to Check NSEJS 2022-23 Result?

The results are published on the IAPT’s official website. To check the NSEJS Result 2022-23, students can follow the processes outlined below.

  • Step 1: Go to, the IAPT’s official website.
  • Step 2: Open the above-mentioned URL or click on the link related to “NSEJS result 2022-2023.”
  • Step 3: Enter your Social Security number and date of birth.
  • Step 4: To verify the NSEJS scores, click the Submit tab.

Details Mentioned in the NSEJS Result 2022-2023

  • Roll Number
  • Name of the Student
  • Total Points
  • Name and Location of the School

Selection Criteria for NSEJS 2022-2023

To qualify for INOJS 2023, students must have marks equal to or more than a Minimum Admissible Score (MAS).

  1. MAS is half of the top 10 scores’ average.
  2. The Merit Index (MI) equals 80% of the top 10 scores’ average.


  • The list of students who scored over the Minimum Admissible Score (MAS) and MI (Merit Index) will be announced on December 2022.
  • The roll number, name of the student, total marks, address, and school name are all included in the results.
  • After NSEJS, there is INJSO, and if you pass with a score over the cutoff, you can compete in the International Olympiad.

Frequently Asked Questions on NSEJS Result 2022-2023


What are the requirements for passing the NSEJS exam?

Students must get at least 50% of the top ten marks on a scale of one to ten.

What happens next after NSEJS?

Students who have achieved the NSEJS cutoff marks are now eligible to compete in the INJSO (Indian National Junior Science Olympiad), which is the next step in the process of qualifying for the International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO).

What is the Merit List for the NSEJS Examination?

The merit list contains list of students who passed the National Standard Examination in Junior Science with a score equal to or more than the Minimum Admissible Score (MAS). The list is published on the official website, and the marks earned are listed for all students who are eligible for INJSO.

How do I check my NSEJS scores?

The student should go to the IAPT’s official website to examine the results of the National Standard Examination in Junior Science. When you are led to a page that reads “NSEJS result 2022-23” or opens the site provided above, you must input your date of birth and roll number, then submit, and the results will appear on the screen.

When will the merit list for the NSEJS be released?

The merit list of NSEJS will be published in online mode along with cutoff marks on December 29, 2022.


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