Difference between Earth and Neutral

To understand the difference between earth and neutral, first, we need to understand why we need them. Below, we have defined each of the terms for you to understand them clearly.


  • Neutral is the return path for an AC circuit that carries current in normal conditions.
  • This current could be primarily because of the phase current imbalance. The magnitude of this current is a fraction of the phase current or, in a few cases, even double the phase current.


  • Earth, also known as a ground, is used for safety concerns against leakage or residual currents in the system.
  • While phase and neutral are connected to the main power wiring, the earth is connected to the body of equipment that doesn’t carry current in normal conditions but is supposed to carry some minor current in case of any insulation failure.

Now that we have a brief idea of what earth and a neutral wire is, let us look into their differences.

Difference Between Earth and Neutral

Earth and Neutral Differences

Difference Between Earth and Neutral
It is the least resistant path and is used for safety purposes against residual currents In an AC circuit which carries current in normal conditions, it is the return path that balances the load
In normal conditions, it doesn’t carry any current, but in case of insulation failure, it might carry minor current A neutral wire is always charged
It cannot be turned into neutral It can be turned into earth
It can come from a neutral line or can be separately executed It comes from a neutral line
Earth is the surging point of appliances Neutral is the return path of the electrical current supply. It is also called a reference point

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Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


What is Earthing?

Earthing can simply be defined as the process of protecting against unwarranted spikes and bouts of electricity that can cause damage to life and property. Therefore it is important to remember the key differences between the two. One needs to understand that they both are referring to the same process.

What is Grounding?

Grounding is similar to earthing, which achieves insulation against accidental currents. The main live wire is connected to a power supply to power an appliance. However, the other portion of the wire is led under the earth. This is done in case of an accidental cut in the circuit to avoid overloading and other dangerous side effects.

What is the function of an earth wire? Why is it necessary to earth metallic appliances?

The metallic body of electric appliances is connected to the earth using earth wire to transfer any leakage of electric current to the ground. This prevents any electric shock to the user.

Name the types of earthing.

  • Pipe earthing
  • Plate earthing
  • Strip earthing

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  1. Very Good!