People's Participation in Conservation of Natural Resources

We already learned about what natural resources are and why the conservation of natural resources is required. There are a lot of environmentalists who are doing a great job to conserve our natural resources. These people are working in environmental organizations, some are even working individually.

Leading Environmental Organizations In India

  • WWF – India: WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) is a world-famous organization, spread in various countries that work on the conservation of wildlife and biodiversity. WWF – India was established in 1969 and has its head office in New Delhi.
  • Centre for Environment Education (CEE): CEE in India was formed in 1984 and was supported by the Ministry of Environment and Forests. The aim of CEE is to raise awareness about environmental issues. CEE has 41 offices across India.
  • Indian Youth Climate Network(IYCN): IYCN is a youth organization in India that raises the voice of Indian youth at a global platform through the means of various conferences across the nation and the world like COP (conference of parties). It has played a major role in connecting the environmentalists of India.
  • Hasirudala (Bangalore): The word Hasirudala means ‘Green Force’. It is a member-based organization of waste pickers, working to manage the waste across the city.

Apart from these organizations, there are a lot of people working at an individual level who have set an example for their fellow citizens. Some examples are:

  • Vandana Shiva: She is an environmental activist and author based in Delhi. She has written more than twenty books over environmental issues.
  • Sunderlal Bahuguna: He is one of the most famous and early environmentalists of India. He was the leader of the famous Chipko movement. He has spent a large portion of his life fighting for the preservation of forests in the Himalayas.

There are a lot of people who are not famous and still working for environmental causes because of the simple fact that it is our duty and moral responsibility of every citizen to give back to nature.

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Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


What is World Wide Fund for Nature?

It is a world-famous organization spread in various countries that work on conserving wildlife and biodiversity.

Name two famous environmental activists.

Vandana Shiva and Sunderlal Bahuguna are two famous environmentalists.


Who is the leader of chipko movement?

Sunderlal Bahuguna is the leader of chipko movement.

Name the member-based organization of waste pickers.

Hasirudala in Bangalore is a member-based organization of waste pickers.

Where is the headquarters of the World Wide Fund for Nature located?

Headquaters of the World Wide Fund for Nature is located in New Delhi.
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