Relativity Questions

Albert Einstein put forth the relativity theorem. The relativity theorem states that space and time are relative, and all motion must be relative to a frame of reference.

Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity includes Special Relativity Theory and General Relativity Theory.

Relativity theory states that there is no absolute reference frame. One can measure velocity if the object or momentum is only in relation to other objects. The speed of light is constant irrespective of who measures it or how fast the person measuring it is moving.

Read more: Relativity

Important Relativity Questions with Answers

1. Choose the correct answer: Which theorem defines the structure of space-time.

  1. Special relativity theory
  2. General relativity theory

Answer: a) Special relativity theory

Explanation: Special relativity theory deals with the structure of space-time.

2. State true or false: Light rays will bend in the gravitational field.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer: a) TRUE

Explanation: According to general relativity, light rays will bend in the gravitational field.

3. Name the fundamental forces in the universe.

Fundamental forces of the universe are gravity, electromagnetism, the weak force, and the strong force.

4. What is the speed of light in miles?

  1. 166,000 miles/sec
  2. 176,000 miles/sec
  3. 186,000 miles/sec
  4. 196,000 miles/sec

Answer: c) 186,000 miles/sec

Explanation: The speed of light is 186,000 miles/sec.

5. Which theory gives the relationship between space and time?

  1. Special relativity theory
  2. General relativity theory

Answer: a) Special relativity theory

Explanation: Special relativity theory explains the relationship between space and time.

6. Theory of Relativity features which theories?

The theory of relativity features special relativity theory and general relativity theory.

7. Who developed the special theory of relativity?

  1. Michel Faraday
  2. Galileo Galilei
  3. Sir Isaac Newton
  4. Albert Einstein

Answer: d) Albert Einstein

Explanation: Albert Einstein developed the special theory of relativity.

8. State true or false: The speed of light varies with respect to the person who measures and how fast the person measures it.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer: b) FALSE

Explanation: The speed of light is constant irrespective of who measures it or how fast the person measures it.

9. Which law is put forth by Albert Einstein?

  1. Law of planetary motion
  2. Laws of motion
  3. Law of relativity
  4. Law of electromagnetism

Answer: c) Law of relativity

Explanation: Law of relativity was put forth by Albert Einstein.

10. Mass–energy equivalence is given by the formula _____.

  1. E=m+c^{2}
  2. E=m-c^{2}
  3. E=2+mc^{2}
  4. E=mc^{2}

Answer: d) E=mc^{2}

Explanation: Mass–energy equivalence is given by the formula E=mc^{2}.

Practice Questions

  1. Explain the relativity theorem.
  2. State the special theory of relativity.
  3. State the general theory of relativity.
  4. Explain the concept of length shrinking.
  5. What is mass-energy equivalence?

Related links

Relativity formula

Special theory of relativity formula

Special theory of relativity

Mass-energy equivalence