
It is common to see the windmill installed in hilly regions where the wind blows at high speed. The high-speed wind is commercially used to generate power. These windmills are constructed using the most modern technology featuring brilliantly engineered turbines for the efficient generation of power.

Let’s know more about windmills in this article.

Windmill Evolution

Persians were the first to use windmills in 500 – 600 A.D. Later, research and development took place for the production of efficient windmills. In ancient times windmills were used for milling purposes to make flour from cereals. It was also used in a sawmill for cutting wood. It was also used in agricultural farms to pump and stock water for farm needs.

The picture below shows the real-time picture of a windmill.

The first windmill had rectangular long blades and each windmill had six to twelve sails. These sails were covered with grass-like weeds called reed or cloth. The first windmill was designed in the year 1854 by Daniel Halladay from the United States.

Components of the Windmill

  • Sails: These are the essential components of the windmill which rotate when hit by wind.
  • Rotor: It is also known as a propeller. The speed is controlled by sails.
  • Anemometer: It is used for measuring the speed of the wind.
  • Tower: It’s the support system for holding the blades and propeller together.

Types of Windmills

There are two types of windmills based on their axis of rotation, and they are:

  • Vertical axis windmills
  • Horizontal axis windmills

There four types of horizontal axis windmills:

  • Post mill
  • Smock mill
  • Tower mill
  • Fan mill

Vertical axis windmill: In these types of windmills, the main rotor shaft is placed transverse to the wind. While the main components are located at the base of the turbine.

Horizontal axis windmill: In these types of windmills, turbines have the electrical generator and main rotor shaft placed at the top of a tower pointing to the wind.

Working of Windmill

The windmill features vanes known as sails or blades and also has a powerful engine. A windmill is a device that converts the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical energy. The wind energy is converted into rotational energy. The working of the windmill is explained in the figure below.

When the high-speed wind blows over the windmill, the blades or sails are turned. The blades move such that the shaft starts to spin, resulting in the production of electricity. Blades control the functioning of rotor speed. The generator converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy. The blades always rotate in a clockwise direction. After lots of research and trials, it was found that a windmill with three blades was more efficient.

Related links

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Fermat’s Principle

Dirac Equation

Law of conservation of mass

Sound wave propagation

Frequently Asked Questions on Windmill


1. Who designed the first windmill?

The first windmill was designed by Daniel Halladay in the year 1854.


2. What are the types of windmills?

Vertical axis windmill and horizontal axis windmill.


3. Name the components of a windmill?

Sails, rotor, Anemometer and tower.


4. Windmills efficiently work with how many blades?



5. What is the use of a windmill?

A windmill is used in the generation of power by converting wind energy into mechanical energy.

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