Nationalism is a feeling in which a person is completely dedicated to his country. In this article, students will get RBSE Class 10 solutions of Chapter 10 Social Science, which will help them solve textbook questions. These solutions will help the students to self-evaluate their progress in class and prepare for the exams based on their knowledge gap. We provide complete solutions for the students with proper explanations of the entire chapter. It covers all the chapter questions from the Social Science textbook.

RBSE Class 10 Social Science Chapter 4 Very Short Answer Type Questions

Q1. When was the custom duty union Zollverein established?

Answer: The custom duty union Zollverein was established in 1834 AD.

Q2. In which sector did the first Industrial Revolution take place?

Answer: The first Industrial Revolution took place in the field of agriculture.

Q3. Who discovered the Blast Furnace?

Answer: The Blast Furnace was discovered by Henry court.

Q4. Who was appointed as the war minister by William I?

Answer: Wonmoltak was appointed as the war minister by William I.

Q5. Between which countries did the Treaty of Gastine take place ?

Answer: Between Austria and Prussia.

RBSE Class 10 Social Science Chapter 4 Short Answer Type Questions

Q6. Write a short note on the Treaty of Prague.

Answer: The second step of Bismarck after the pact of Gastine was to make preparations for the war against Austria. On one side Bismarck started the preparations for war and on the other hand, by the means of diplomacy, he started making efforts to stop any assistance for Austria from the European Nations. The international scenario was also conducive at this time for this work. England was following the Policy of Non-Interference in the European states. The sympathy of Russia was obtained by providing assistance at the time of revolt in Poland. France was persuaded to remain neutral on the promise of getting a certain part of the territory of Rhine. Austria was an obstacle in the Unification of Italy. A Pact was signed between Prussia and Sardinia in 1866 AD , according to which, Venetia would be handed over to Sardinia in case Sardinia initiated a war against Austria. When the Germans were revolting against Austria in Holstein, Bismarck was giving secret assistance to them. On the other hand, Austria was promoting the movement going on in favour of the Duke of Augusts in Holstein. A war broke out between Austria and Prussia on this issue. But the decisive battle of Sadowa- konnigratz took place on 3rd July 1866 AD in which Austria was completely defeated and the Treaty of Prague was signed between Austria and Prussia on 23rd August 1866 AD.

Q7. Write the changes that occurred during the Unification of Italy.

Answer: Victories of Napoleon had a great impact on the Unification of Italy. After the Italian victory, Napoleon established Republic in Italy and after becoming emperor, he dissolved several small and big states and merged them into three parts. He dismissed the Feudalistic Arrangements and ended the restrictions on internal trade. Uniform laws were imposed in Italy. When Napoleon used Italy as a settlement, it fired the national sentiments of the Italian people. For these reasons, Napoleon is known as the Father of Nationalism in Italy.

Q8. Write the changes that took place in the textile industry during the Industrial Revolution.

Answer: The Industrial Revolution began mainly with the textile industry. Till mid 18“’ century the traditional system of making clothes in European factories had become incapable of fulfilling the demand of clothes. Earlier cotton clothes were imported from India in England but when East India Company set up its control over India, England also began to import cotton along with clothes. To fulfil the growing demand of European markets, new inventions were made in this sector. In 1733 AD John Kay invented the Flying Shuttle Loom, which made it possible to make wider cloth in less time. James Hargreaves invented the spinning Jenny in 1765 AD through which one person could spin several threads together. In 1769 Richard ArkWright invented the Water Frame by which stronger thread was made compared to the earlier one. In 1779 Samuel Crompton invented Spinning Mule. The thread spun by this mule used to be very strong and fine. In 1787 AD the Power Loom operated by electric power was invented by Admund Cartwright.

Q9. When and by whom was Young Italy formed?

Answer: Young Italy was established in 1831 AD by Mazzini, which soon took the place of coronary in the national movement of Italy. Mazzini trusted the youth of Italy. The objectives of this society were clear to achieve the unity and freedom of Italy and to establish a state based on the concept of freedom, equality and public welfare. This institution infused in the people of Italy the spirit of Patriotism, Struggle, Sacrifice and Freedom. Mazzini urged the people of Italy and said, “Don’t run behind anything except the ideal of United Italy”. Italy will become a nation. In the opinion of Patriots, Mazzini was an angel, who came to build the future of Italy. In fact Mazzini laid the foundation of Unification of Italy.

Q10. Write the contribution of Bismarck in the Unification of Germany.

Answer: After the death of Prussian ruler Frederick IV in 1861 AD, 64 years old William I became the ruler. He believed in liberalistic ideas, but he also had the belief that only Prussia can unite Germany by it’s monarchy and powerful military. In order to make the army powerful Vonroon was appointed War Minister and Vonmoltke was appointed as the Chief commander. When a Constitutional crisis cropped up on the issue of military reforms, William-I appointed Bismarck as his Chancellor to get rid of this crisis. Bismarck had the opinion that the time between 1848 to 1849AD, which was wasted in mutual debates by the Nationalists, was a mistake. Due to this reason, to make Prussia a powerful state, Bismarck showed his toughness by getting the military budget passed by the Upper House when it was rejected earlier by the Lower House of Parliament. In this way, Bismarck contributed to the unification of Germany.


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