What came first – roads or cars? You may think roads, but that’s incorrect! Cars changed the way our cities look today. Until its invention, people used different modes of transportation to move around. The journey of travelling from walking to driving is a bumpy one but definitely fun to learn about. Just imagine what the first-ever car would have looked like? Who made it? What technology was used to make it?
Unlike many other inventions, the car was not an accidental discovery. It is a combination of so many big and small inventions, that happened gradually over a period of time. Hence when you start tracing back the evolution of the car, there’s no one particular day/person who can be given the credit for this amazing and useful invention.
Yet one can consider the invention of steam engines as the stepping stone that later led to the invention of cars.
What is the steam engine?
Newcomen engine
Steam (pink), water (blue) Valves open (green), valves closed (red)
A steam engine is a machine that does mechanical work using steam as working fluid. It uses the force produced by the steam pressure to move a piston forward and backward inside a closed chamber. This pushing force is put to work. This is a type of external combustion engine in which coal is burnt to generate steam, which is made to travel through the pipes to give heat to the engine, which ultimately moves the pistons back and forth. The first steam engine was discovered by British inventor and manufacturer Thomas Newcomen in 1712. In 1764, inspired by Newcomen’s invention, the Scottish mechanical engineer James Watt invented the steam engine that was much smaller and more powerful than its predecessor.
Large Watt engines soon found their way into factories, where they became the powerhouse of the Industrial Revolution and people did away with horses for operating pumps and other machines.
1769 – First Steam Powered Automobile
Discovery of the steam engine had led to people understanding its many uses. Despite the steam engines being too big and heavy to be used on vehicles, it didn’t stop some people from trying out the idea. One such person – Nicholas Joseph Cugnot, a Frenchman, in 1769 used steam-engine technology to make a three-wheeled tractor for pulling heavy army cannons. Many people consider this the world’s first car, but it was incredibly primitive by today’s standards. With a top speed of just 5 km/h.
1824 – Carnot Cycle
A French army engineer by the name Nicolas Leonard Sadi Carnot in 1824 wrote the original book of car science, Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire. His book was the first proper explanation of how engines worked, why they made power, and how you could make them even more effective.Even though his book came many decades after the first steam engines were built, it inspired many other scientists Like Rudolf Diesel to come up with inventions like Diesel engines that became important later. In fact, Carnot’s theory of how engines work, remains the centrepiece of thermodynamics (the scientific study of heat) till date. This is why he is referred to as the Father of Thermodynamics.
1839: Vulcanized Rubber
Away from all the steam engine related discoveries, an American chemist by the name of Charles Goodyear discovered something important in 1839. He made his big breakthrough when he accidentally dropped a piece of rubber that contained sulphur on a hot stove. To his surprise, instead of melting, it turned into a hard black mass. This is how he developed the tough black rubber we use in tyres of any vehicle today by a process now known as vulcanization, named after Vulcan, the Roman God of fire.
1850: Spark Plug
Gasoline engine using spark plug
1 ‐ Induction 2 ‐ Compression 3 ‐ Power 4 ‐ Exhaust
Joseph Étienne Lenoir, a French-Belgian engineer was experimenting with electricity in the 1850s. Back in the days, street lamps were naked flames fed by gas pipes. Lenoir tried igniting some of these street-lamp gas in a metal tin using an electric spark. His “spark plug” (as we now call it) would make the gas explode with a thump of power that could push a piston. This thumping explosion of power, if repeated steadily, could drive a machine. The “gas engines” Lenoir built made as much power as 1.5 hp (horsepower). In 1863, Lenoir fixed one of them to a three-wheeled cart and built a very crude car. It made an 18-km (9-mile) journey in 11 hours—four times longer than it would have taken to walk.
1876:Gasoline powered 4 stroke engine
Reworking on Lenoir’s engine, a German engineer named Nikolaus Otto replaced the gas in the engine with gasoline (a liquid fuel) in 1876, and made the first efficient gasoline engine, which worked by methodically repeating the same four steps (or “strokes”) over and over again. Practically every liquid fuel-powered car engine has worked the same way ever since.
1885: Karl Benz’s Patent Motorwagen
Benz Patent Motorwagen in 1885
source: Pinterest
German engineer Karl Benz (founder of the Mercedes-Benz automobile company) studied Otto’s work and aimed to improve it. After building a gasoline engine of his own, he fixed it to a three-wheeled carriage and made the world’s first practical gas-powered car in 1885. He took his wife’s advice and added gears for uphill driving. Soon he was developing successful four-wheel cars and, by the start of the 20th century, was the world’s leading car maker.
1890s: Diesel Engine
Four-stroke Diesel engine
Rudolf Diesel, another German mechanical engineer built a prototype of an engine 3m (10 ft) high that could run on practically any fuel, from diesel to even oil made from peanuts and vegetables. This first diesel engine made twice as much power as a steam engine. Along with the Diesel engine, Rudolf Diesel was also the pioneer of biofuels.
1908: Assembly Line Functioning
Ford T Model in 1908
By the start of the 20th century, gasoline-engined cars were fast, reliable, and extremely expensive. In 1893, Karl Benz’s simple Viktoria car had a price tag of £9,000 (about ₹ 44,17,000 today) and hardly anyone could afford one. But that changed in 1908 when an American engineer named Henry Ford launched his car – Model T, a car everyone could afford. Ford sold around 15 million Model T Fords within a span of a few years. This was possible due to his mass production technique – the assembly line.
Assembly line in today’s time
Assembly line functioning is a setup that functions on a conveyor belt, where parts of the car slowly move past a series of workers. Each mechanic is trained to do one particular job. As the parts of a car move on, bit by bit the entire car is built and made into a whole. This setup today is used in the production of countless products, from automobile to packaging to electric appliances and even poultry!
1940s: The Birth of Porche and the Volkswagon
Volkswagon Beetle in 1940s
German dictator Adolf Hitler gave Henry Ford a medal for making cars affordable. Inspired by the Model-T Ford, Hitler asked German auto-maker, Dr Ferdinard Porsche, to develop a simple people’s car or “Volkswagen” called the KDF (Kraft Durch Freude or Strength through Joy). Renamed the Beetle, it sold over 20 million units worldwide and was one of the most popular cars of the 20th century.
Unimate 1900, first industrial robot, that was used in the GM plant
Henry Ford pioneered assembly line functioning, but General Motors took it a quantum leap further in 1961. That’s when the first-ever car-making robot started building car bodies at the GM plant in Ewing, New Jersey.
Chevrolet Impala 1961, one of the most sold GM cars in 1961. Source: classicdigest
1970s–1990s: Rise of Japanese Automobile Industry
Until the 1970s American and European car firms dominated car production. Then Japanese manufacturers such as Nissan, Honda, Mazda, and Toyota began their production. Compared to their western competitors, the Japanese manufactured cheaper cars and exported them to the West. The West tried to restrict these imports by increasing import tariffs, to which the Japanese responded by exporting their factories instead. Honda became the first Japanese maker to open plants in the United States and Canada in the early 1980s.
1970 Ford Mushtang, one of the most popular cars of the that decade
Toyota’s EX-7 launched in 1970 as the car of the future. Source: allcarindex
The Honda Accord 1990, the most popular car the 90s’ decade
2000 – 2020: The Modern Times
The last two decades have seen a series of innovations in the evolution of cars like the power steering, tubeless tyres, inbuilt navigation and cruise control. Amongst many other things, electric cars have become the latest trend with companies like Tesla dominating the space with electric cars that can outperform traditional supercars on all counts. The benefits of electric vehicles for the environment is huge. Despite what you might think, electric vehicles are actually older than gasoline-driven ones, but it’s taken well over a century for them to catch up with the competition.
Among other inventions, companies like Google are reportedly working on developing cars with onboard sensors (like ‘radar’ and ‘lidar’) that can navigate their way around the world while the people inside sit back and enjoy the view. Part robot, part computer, part old-fashioned automobile, these hybrid machines are likely to prove far safer and much more environmentally friendly than cars driven by us careless, fallible humans!
Tesla Cars
There can be endless possibilities of how a car can be modified to be more useful, more efficient and environmentally friendly. With all the amazing inventions that the car is made up of today, one still wonders what would it take to invent a car that can fly or a car that runs on seawater as a fuel. Here is yet another vehicle’s evolution and timeline you might be interested in, the history of bicycles. What do you think will be the next big invention in the world of cars? Share with us in the comment section below.
Charu, a feminist and an accidental writer, is yet to master the art of writing about herself. Always curious to learn new stuff, she ends up spending a lot of time unlearning the incorrect lessons. She enjoys all sorts of stories – real, fictional, new, old, hers and would love hearing yours too. Feel free to ping her at storyweavers@byjus.com to share anything that you think is worth sharing.
October 11, 2020
history of cars thank you byjus
October 2, 2020
That was cool. That Ford Mushtang car I really loved it.
September 16, 2020
Tq for for the nice information about cars
Vijayaraaj S
September 15, 2020
This really answered my problem, thank you!
Aarush Singh
September 15, 2020
The next generation will be able to work on solar energy and can be used without drivers.
Saneeka Keshatti
September 12, 2020
What a interesting journey of car! ? Thank you byjus ?
September 6, 2020
I am a big car lover so thaks for information about history of cars ??
Vishal Rathore
September 1, 2020
Elon Musk’s “Tesla” is the only fastest growing electric AI automobile industry ever exist in which it has a market capitalization of over 600 billions in about 12 years ?
Lavanya R
September 1, 2020
Thanks for sunch an useful information byju’s.
Sharvesh B
August 29, 2020
Thanks for the information thank you Byjus
Parvathi Ajayakumar
August 25, 2020
Thank you for the information I am so interested to know about cars
Parvathi Ajayakumar
August 25, 2020
Thank you for the information I am so interested to know about cars
August 19, 2020
Nice information is always given by byjus. More than 5 crore students are studying with byjus. The highest in India and the best India’s best teacher teaches us (not vedantu or gradeup).
By the way if you want to study the best way study with byjus by downloading the app now. And subscribe to their channel in youtube.
Vinod Ramteke
August 19, 2020
Wonderful information about cars history ,thanks BYJU
suryashankar ps
August 18, 2020
very intresting thanks alot byjus?. My favorite classic car is 1970 ford mustang so fast
and afordble.?. karl benz is my favourite mechanic.
Sunil Kumar Jha (Pranjal's father)
August 17, 2020
Nice and useful information.
August 17, 2020
Thanks Byju’s for giving me such a great information about cars
Satvik Sahu
August 14, 2020
Thanks for the information.
August 14, 2020
Interesting to know about my favourite cars…
Abhinav Kumar
August 13, 2020
I am interested in cars very much.?? Thank you byju’s for this information.
Abhishek Nayak
August 13, 2020
Nice information on car for our knowledge ?
August 12, 2020
Thank you byjus to gives as interesting knowledge. Give more interesting knowledge
. thank you so much.
August 12, 2020
Awesome info. about the history of cars. I really like it. Tesla’s cars are my favourite also
August 12, 2020
Thanks ? byju’s for such a
wonderful knowledge about the
history of cars. It was ??????.
And yeah also, I think the next big
Invention in cars will be the……..
Farhan ali
August 11, 2020
That’s the best way to explain about cars to students like us
Adithri Sreejish
August 11, 2020
very good informations about cars…..
thank uu
August 11, 2020
Interesting information
Suyash Ram
August 10, 2020
Very amazing information about cars. I loved it very much. Thank you BYJUS for updating my knowledge about cars.
Aryan Gujarathi
August 10, 2020
Thanks Byjus for info on cars, I think next generation cars will have wings underneath and also gliders
underneath so it can float and fly!????????️???????️???
Shamayita Bag
August 10, 2020
Thanks for sharing such a well informed documents.come to know a lot.
Utkarsh Sengar
August 10, 2020
Awesome info about cars.thanks byjus
August 10, 2020
This lets me to think of an science project ??️?️
August 9, 2020
Great information thanks byju’s
August 9, 2020
Very interesting thanks byjus.
Anany Bhargava
August 9, 2020
Thank you very much
Prajwal shendri
August 9, 2020
Its really fantastic thank you byjus..
Aastha Kashyap
August 9, 2020
When will the result of eurqu quiz will
August 9, 2020
Nice information
Rehan Ali
August 9, 2020
Interesting information about cars I like it
Siddesh S Belagavi
August 9, 2020
Thanks byjus ????☺?
Muhammad Hashim.M
August 9, 2020
Can be the next topic about chemistry experiments
Akhya Yadav
August 8, 2020
It is really interesting to know about the evolution of car in the growing times..
Akhyan Yadav
August 8, 2020
Really it is very interesting to know about evolution of car. In today’s growing world.
Surbhi Singh
August 8, 2020
Thank you byju’s you always give us many interesting knowledge…
Sneha chirakkal
August 8, 2020
Wow! ? It was cool ?
August 8, 2020
Nice very intresting facts about car.???
Aadish kumar
August 8, 2020
Such beautiful and interesting fact about car?????
August 8, 2020
The next time I will visit a long drive with my family I will remember that this pair of wheels actually have under gone a whole process of evolution. The process of evolution which is less ?DARVINIC???
Jonathan Varghese
August 8, 2020
The 1970 Ford Mushtang, one of the most popular cars of the that decade is so cool!
August 8, 2020
This was so intresting, thanks byju’s ?
August 8, 2020
This was so intresting thanks alot Byju’s ?
Samruddhi Panhale
August 8, 2020
like byjus very well beacuse there will be available more information from anything not only from cars?? either they arne experiments are also avaible so Thanks byjus I like byjus more so byjus gives us more and more information so watch byjus videos and practice and write test it I am telling this only and my goal is to become scientist I will reach my goal because byjus will take me up all the friends of byjus enjoy I am also a part of byjus my name is samruddhi
Samruddhi Panhale
August 8, 2020
Nice? information about cars thanks Byju’s?
August 8, 2020
Wow! It was really best knowledge journey.
I think next big invention is flying car.
August 7, 2020
what about cars that run on solar energy or maybe move when it rains or snows? Like a turbine that moves when some kind of force is apllied.
Abaan khan
August 7, 2020
I think it will be flying cars.Please tell me about coding.
August 7, 2020
Amazing information…nice to read fascinating facts about cars?
Vedika kurkute
August 7, 2020
Its really amazing to learn the journey of cars ..
Anurag Jaiswal
August 7, 2020
Nice information about car ?and thank you so much???
Anishka Sharma
August 7, 2020
I like this information
August 7, 2020
Very nice information about cars
Prince Rath
August 7, 2020
Very nice thank you for byju’s to give information of car history???
Bhavishya sisodiya
August 7, 2020
Such a beautiful facts about cars
Love you #BYJU’S
Aarya Ugale
August 7, 2020
It is very interesting.
August 7, 2020
Interesting fact!!!
August 7, 2020
I like the tesla car thanks byjus app for showing the wonderfull cars
Ananya Rajawat
August 7, 2020
It to good ???
Khushi soni
August 7, 2020
I like cars and this is very interesting knowledge about cars .thank you byjus for this interesting or important knowledge.
August 7, 2020
Thanks for telling us about story of car ?
Khushi soni
August 7, 2020
I like cars and also this is very interested story about cars . thanks byjus for this important knowledge.
Abhijeet kumar
August 7, 2020
Intesting in fact about car????????
August 7, 2020
Nice information, I like it ? ??
August 7, 2020
Aditya Ranjan
August 7, 2020
Vedant manohar dakare
August 7, 2020
Thanks byju’s for interesting knowledge about car
Vedant manohar dakare
August 7, 2020
This khowledge will us in future thanks byju’s of interesting facts
V.jitendra sai
August 7, 2020
I like byjus very well beacuse there will be available more information from anything not only from cars?? either they arne experiments are also avaible so Thanks byjus I like byjus more so byjus gives us more and more information so watch byjus videos and practice and write test it I am telling this only and my goal is to become scientist I will reach my goal because byjus will take me up all the friends of byjus enjoy I am also a part of byjus my name is v.jitendra sai
Gautam Kamboj
August 7, 2020
good information keep it up!!!
August 7, 2020
I am not really into cars?.But this one got me reading about them for sure☺️✌️?
Thank you BYJUS❤️❤️
August 7, 2020
I learn interesting facts about machines.
Madhvi Goyar
August 7, 2020
I love cars my car model is desire
Thank you Byjus
Trrishan Saha
August 7, 2020
The Benz Patent Motorwagen is also called the First modern car. The first car in India in 1897 was the Hindustan Ambassador, also used now as “taxi”. The first user of the car was Jamshedji Tata, the founder of the Tata company of cars.
Manik Chand Singh ?????????????????
August 7, 2020
Thank you byju’s for this amazing edition on cars.
Shivam Prasad
August 7, 2020
#Byjus Happy to get this information
The best learning app
August 7, 2020
I mean Chevrolet Impala…?
August 7, 2020
The Ford Impala and Mustang Boss 302 were the most beautiful cars in this page. Also, I’m a car fanatic.
Thanks Byjus’s!!?️?️
Mayank Lodha
August 7, 2020
Very nice information about cars ?
I never heard about this type of information
Thank u byjus ????
Pls stay home stay safe to all byjus team♥
V darmessh
August 7, 2020
I liked every information about cars.. i hope the technology of ancient days was also very good????
Mehul yadav
August 7, 2020
I love car . I am very happy to get knowledge about car . Thanks byjus
August 7, 2020
There are so many interesting facts about cars and these facts are very useful in coming days. thankyou so much byjus
Lavanya Jain
August 7, 2020
Thanku byju’s??
Unnati k.hulke
August 7, 2020
Very interesting…..thanks byju’s ?????️?? # BYJU’S
Priya Kumari
August 7, 2020
Thank you byjus for giving such a nice and interesting facts about cars.
Srushti Hande
August 7, 2020
Nice information about cars
August 7, 2020
I love car their models structure and namesangular view to buy juice to get this information about cars by which we can know which was the first inventor of car engine
Srushti Hande
August 7, 2020
Nice information
Mohammed Zayaan
August 7, 2020
Very interesting
Mohammed Zayaan
August 7, 2020
Very interesting.
August 7, 2020
Superb explation about the cars thank you Byjus
August 7, 2020
Superb explation about cars .thank you Byjus …
Nandini Girish
August 7, 2020
Interesting information… Thank you Byjus
August 7, 2020
Amazing information shared about car evolution!!! Thanks #BYJU’S????
August 7, 2020
It’s a great piece of information????
S. Aravinda karthik
August 7, 2020
I like evolution of car history and I like Tesla
S. Aravinda karthik
August 7, 2020
I like evolution of car history and I like Tesla??
Tanishka Garkal
August 7, 2020
Very Nice Information…I Am Very Happy Bcoz I Took Byjus..
It Helps Me A Lot In My Studies.
August 7, 2020
Thank-you BYJUS???️????
August 7, 2020
Thanks byjus for giving us information of cars
August 7, 2020
Thanks byjus for giving us lots of information about cars and engine
Shubham prasad
August 7, 2020
My favourite car: TESLA MODEL X and the picture given here is I think that is of Fremont California its headquarters.
August 6, 2020
Thank you byjus
Nandini lohana
August 6, 2020
nice information byju’s i really got much information about car and how they changed overtime .
August 6, 2020
Very nice
Megha Bangari
August 6, 2020
I think the next will me car that runs on sea water
Sumedh Chaudhari
August 6, 2020
I like to read this about cars and high-tech machine how they improve their technology. Thanks
to give us information to us about car. Thanks Byjus…???????
August 6, 2020
Awesome Information!Loved it!Thank you Byjus!
Abhishek Pawaskar
August 6, 2020
What an interesting and amazing information about cars.
August 6, 2020
What an interesting and amazing information about cars.
Mathew joseph t a
August 6, 2020
Very attractive and informative information
It shows that byju’s not only giving the study
Things but also informative things also ☺️
Piyush and Ayush
August 6, 2020
Thanks byjus team to get the information about evolution of cars.
Abhiyansh gaur
August 6, 2020
Nice information I don’t know how cars engine work ETC. thank you BYJUS????
August 6, 2020
Interesting facts ?? thank you byjus
August 6, 2020
Interesting facts ??? thank you ? byjus
Shivam Kumar Jha
August 6, 2020
Thanking Byjus for such very interesting facts and informative articles.
I would like to give some suggestion to make articles on Evolution of Spacecrafts, Space Science, about How the Universe works, about Black hole , a majority of children are interested in such topics.????
August 6, 2020
Tesla is my favourite car. Thank you byju’s. ??
Ayush Kapoor
August 6, 2020
Such a interesting and beautiful information about cars. THANK YOU #BYJU’S
Suseela Dhananjaya
August 6, 2020
Mam it’s interesting
Sudeep chaurasia
August 6, 2020
Such a beautiful , attractive and interesting facts about the cars .
I didn’t know that these powerful car are made before my born .
Aditya Ranjan
August 6, 2020
Very good and nice
Very interesting
Very knowledgeable
Good information about cars of old and
New age
Dhanee Gupta
August 6, 2020
Loved it
I gained a lot of information
Thanks byjus#❤❤
Aryaman Kashyap
August 6, 2020
Very interesting facts about automobiles. I love cars as much as I love byjus. My favourite is the Ford Mustang GT 350 as it has a 300 kw 16L V8 engine.
August 6, 2020
Nice information about cars. It was interesting to know about the history of cars, And I am really fond of cars.
Thanks , byju’s?
August 6, 2020
Nice information about cars, thanks Byju’s!!
August 6, 2020
Thank You BYJUS for this wonderful topic on history of cars.
Karnam Gayatri
August 6, 2020
I really love cars.There comes my favourite JAGUAR ?????
Varun Sharma
August 6, 2020
1970 Ford Mushtang, This is the wonderful car I like it the most
August 6, 2020
why its given now in 11th standard , will it help us??
August 6, 2020
Thanks for the intresting information about cars ????
Gurkirat pal Singh
August 6, 2020
Interesting byju’s book
August 6, 2020
I really like facts from Byjus.?
August 6, 2020
Interesting topic about cars?????
Jhanvi Dutt
August 6, 2020
Nice information , thank you
Rohan preet sarkar
August 6, 2020
Very expensive information about cars
August 6, 2020
Ford and Hyundai is the original car company.
Thank you #Byju’s.
Rita Parashar
August 6, 2020
Interesting facts about cars ☺️
August 6, 2020
nice information about cars ????? thank you byjus
August 6, 2020
Awesome ,
Thanks to byjus team
Love you byjus
August 6, 2020
Pari Nigam
August 6, 2020
Thank you byzu’s for
giving us exciting adventure of cars
Thank you
very much
Pari Nigam
August 6, 2020
Thank you for giving us a exciting fact about cars
Thank you byzu’s
Aanya Sinha
August 6, 2020
I love the information . Thank you byjus????????
Pritish Gupta
August 6, 2020
Very nice facts about cars.thanks byjus.i would like a car which can take me any where at a speed faster than light and is as big as hotel and can be perfect for living in it.
August 6, 2020
The idea of discovery of steam engine is very interesting for me!?
August 6, 2020
Wow ! It was really interesting. I feel happy
by learning about cars . Thank you Byju’s
Dhairya Chandak
August 6, 2020
I loved this information about cars , and I think the next big invention in cars will be car that run on seawater as fuel
Bhairvi Bhatt
August 6, 2020
What an interesting facts about cars .Thank you so much byjus ????
August 6, 2020
Great information about cars Byju’s thxxx for this amazing information
Jayden Paffett
August 6, 2020
Thank you Byjus for the information. Interesting facts
Viraj Nayak S.V
August 6, 2020
It was really interesting and awesome facts on the cars??????????thank you very
Much ##Byjus
August 6, 2020
I love all the topics.
Faiz Firoz Jakhura
August 6, 2020
Such a mind blowing invention of cars
Thank you Byjus for sending this
information to us Thank you very much
Samiya Alam
August 6, 2020
Thank you byjus for interesting facts about car
When eurika quiz result will come
Samiya Alam
August 6, 2020
Thank you byjus for interesting fact about car
When eurika quiz result will come
August 6, 2020
Awesome information about cars?
August 6, 2020
Useful information given about working of car engine
T Rakesh Singh
August 6, 2020
Very interesting information given to students to learn about a car.
But some more information to be added in the next lecture description about different functions of parts of car. Please add some more pictures and animations
Vishesh Kumar Singh
August 6, 2020
I loved seeing the animation on working of engines.
Very very thanks Byju’s.???
August 6, 2020
nice explanation of cars history?????
Abhisar singh
August 6, 2020
Volkswagen cars are amazing they are the most respected car makers in the world
They have so much perfection I know it because my dad haves the Volkswagen Polo
1.5 tdi .It is a gorgeous car .Did you know Volkswagen owns Audi,Porsche,
Lamborghini, Bently and Bugatti the fastest car makers .I have a childhood
Interest in cars .
Saharsh Menon
August 6, 2020
I love electric cars
August 6, 2020
After reading this I come to know more about cars
Thank u byjus
Ambika Sharma
August 6, 2020
Srishan Ravi
August 6, 2020
I think that hovercars will dominate the future of cars.It can hover above land and water.It will move very fast. It
Will be powered by solar and electricity
Abhisar singh
August 6, 2020
Thank you byjus I have a childhood intrest in cars . I love cars but not the
Vintage but yeah .?? If you will enter my room you see only collections of
Cars .And the drawings .
August 6, 2020
Wow amazing and interesting information about cars
August 6, 2020
Good Information….. Thank you Byju’s
Please give some information on INDIAN MILITARY
August 6, 2020
Nice information
Pallavi Kaushik
August 6, 2020
As I am nutty about cars ☺️ thanks for the information ?
muhamed hashim. M
August 6, 2020
What are the negative effects of steam engine
Ansal Rajveer
August 6, 2020
This is a very very nice story.
Thank you byjus.
I think now they will invent a Corona proof car
Adhira Deshmukh
August 6, 2020
Very informative and knowledgeable facts. Thanks byjus for proving interesting information like this !
August 6, 2020
Thanks for this knowledge and thank u byjuse?
Saptadeep talukdar
August 6, 2020
Awesome massage for us ….
Thanks byjus
Prathmesh Sharma
August 6, 2020
Nice ? information about cars thanku so much Byju,s ?
August 6, 2020
Nice information about cars.. Thank-you for helping byju’s ???
August 6, 2020
Love this information Byju’s…I am very much interested about cars.
Shweta mali
August 6, 2020
Thank u byjus for such a intresting information about cars ?? we learn about the history of cars to thank you so much once again
JESHTA K Thuppada
August 6, 2020
Whi they did not continue the same model cars
JESHTA K Thuppada
August 6, 2020
Supper cars in india
Maradani Jayati
August 6, 2020
Nice work byju ???????????
Maradani Jayati
August 6, 2020
Super helpful ?????? thanks byju ????????
August 6, 2020
Waiting for Tesla to be launched all around the world…………..
Imaan Jagirdar
August 6, 2020
I loved Hona Accord car
i don’t have interest in cars but my brother have he liked this?????
August 6, 2020
Wow! I wondered some day Byju’s will send information about Cars! The history of cars!
I never thought it will be fulfilled but THANKYOU BYJU’S.
August 6, 2020
Next invention is going to be a car that has 10 seats.
August 6, 2020
August 6, 2020
Amazing to know all these… Thanks a lot byju’s ?
Alvina maria
August 6, 2020
wow this is interesting information. Thanks byjus.
August 6, 2020
Such a beautiful and interesting fact about cars . ????☺️☺️????????️????
Sushant Pal
August 6, 2020
What an interesting knowledge!!thnx,byjus..
August 6, 2020
Loved the information.I am really found of car’s.
And I love car. This information helped me to know
about car’s. Thank U very much #BYJU’S.
August 5, 2020
Love Tesla cars, wondering when will they open a plant in India
Aparna Bhattacharjee
August 5, 2020
Nice? information about cars thanks Byju’s?