TN Board Class 7 Science Syllabus 2021-22 | Samacheer Kalvi Class 8 Science Syllabus

Science is one of the most important subjects in schools because of its relevance to students’ lives and the universally applicable problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Various concepts and topics from the subject that are introduced from Class 7 are further discussed at length in higher classes. Here, in this article, students can easily find details of the  Samacheer Kalvi TN Board Class 7 Science Syllabus, which gives an overview of the major concepts and topics taught in class for the current academic year.

Samacheer Kalvi TN Board Class 7 Science Syllabus 2021-22

The Samacheer Kalvi class 7 Syllabus provided by the TN board gives the knowledge on matter around us, living world of plants and animals, light, heat, measurements etc.

Idea of derived quantities and Units (Area, Volume, Density of solids and liquids)
Explanation and Measuring Astronomical distance. 1 AU & 1 light year.
Numerical problems
Work, Power and Energy
Distance – displacement
Speed & velocity
Distance- time graph
Velocity – time graph
Acceleration – time
Centre of gravity and three states of equilibrium
Plumb line and spirit level
Science today
Adventures in sports – like a bird flies
Measure and calculate the speed of moving objects
pulse rate
Numerical problems
Sources of Light Rectilinear propagation of Light
Pinhole camera Shadows Colours in Spectrum
Plane Mirror (Right or left)
Sunlight–seven colours–dispersion & synthesis of colours – Newton’s Disc.
Numerical problems
Heat & Temperature.
Thermodynamic scales: Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin and Rankin.
Measuring temperature: Clinical and Laboratory thermometer.
Thermometric liquids Numerical problems.
Explain the classification of materials based on electrical properties.
Describe simple electric circuit – Open circuit and Closed circuit.
Explains heating effect and magnetic effect of electric current.
Universe and Space Science
Basic concepts of Universe- milky way
Building blocks of Universe
Satellites – Natural and Artificial
Matter Around Us
Separation of substances – Evaporation – Condensation – Crystallization.
Effect of temperature on – solid, liquid and gases
Occurrence of Elements and Compounds in nature
Elements in human body
Elements in air
Molecules of Elements and Compounds
Symbols of some common elements
Atomicity of elements
Changes Around Us
Physical change-Crystallization-Melting-Evaporation-Freezing-Sublimation-Chemical change-Rusting of iron-Burning
Chemical reaction of Baking Soda with lemon juice
Conditions needed for a chemical change
Indicators of a chemical change
Periodic and non periodic change
Endothermic and Exothermic change
Atomic Structure
Structure of an atom
Sub-atomic particles and its properties
Molecules, compounds mixture and its types
Wastes and its Management
Synthetic fibers-Types and uses
Plastics-Types and uses-Hazardness of Plastics
PLA Plastics
Various methods of disposing Plastics
Biodegradable plastics
Plastic eating Bacteria
Glass-Types and uses
Chemistry in Everyday life
Medicines –Antibiotics-Analgesics-Antipyretic-Antiseptics-Antihistamine-Antacids/O RS
Combustion and its types
Flame and its structure
Fire control
Fire extinguishers
Living world of Plants
Characteristics of living things
Habitat – Aquatic and Terrestrial plants
Herbs, shrubs and trees
Parts of plants – Root, stem, leaves and flowers Reproduction in plants, Pollination, Types of Pollination, Pollinators, Fertilization
Modification of roots, stems, leaves 1.6 Kinds of stems
Living World of Animals
Need for classification
The 5 kingdom classification
Binomial Nomenclature (Introduction)
Health and Hygiene
Test for Starch, protein and Fat-Taking care of our body-taking care of our teeth, our eyes , hair
Hygienic habits
Communicable diseases (Bacteria and Virus) Any 3
Safety and first aid (cuts and burns)
Organization in Organisms
Introduction of human organ systems and functions
The body and health as understood in the Indian system health care
Life Process
Plant and animal cell comparison
Cell as a fundamental unit of life
Human cells related to functions.
Structure and function of all cell organelles (in brief.)
Environmental Science – Resource use and Management
Availability of water
Sources of water
Forms of water
Ground water
Depletion of water
Distribution of water
Scarcity of water
Water management-Rain water harvesting-Desalination of sea water (R.O)
Economic Biology
Animal products (Food, Clothing, )
Animal Fibers(wool, silk)
Hazards in silk and wool industries (ANTHRAX)
Sericulture and Ahimsha/Peace silk
Poultry farming
Animal protection and maintenance

Why should we study Science?

Because there are some reasons

  • Science prepares for future.
  • Science feeds a natural love for learning
  • Science opens doors to many disciplines


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