The AP Board keeps their 2nd Year Intermediate curriculum updated every time and currently, it has introduced 85 courses for the students in order to bring out their true potential and the board is looking forward to adding more courses in the near future. The best way to get an idea about the topics covered under each subject is to look at the AP Intermediate 2nd Year Syllabus.
Keeping themselves updated and adhering to the latest trends in the education sector is the prime motive of the AP Board. Here, we have provided the AP Board Intermediate 2nd Year Syllabus that gives an overview of the topics and concepts taught in class under a subject.
Keeping an eye on the BIEAP 2nd Year syllabus will ensure students get the required information from an exam point of view, such as they will get to know the marks’ distribution, important concepts and long and short answer type question-related topics etc. These will prepare students to score efficiently in the main examinations.
Below we could witness the AP Intermediate 2nd Year syllabus for Science Stream subjects such as Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology for the utmost convenience of students following the curriculum of AP BIEAP. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the syllabus was reduced by 30% for the academic year 2020-21.
Meanwhile, check out the latest syllabus for 2nd Year for Intermediate 2021-22 here.
AP Board Intermediate II Revised Syllabus 2021-22
AP Board Intermediate II Year Maths Revised Syllabus 2021- 22
AP Intermediate 2nd Year Mathematics II A Revised Syllabus |
AP Intermediate 2nd Year Mathematics II B Revised Syllabus |
AP Board Intermediate II Science Stream Revised Syllabus 2021-22
AP Board Intermediate II Practical Syllabus 2021-22
Meanwhile, we are also uploading the AP Board Class 12 Blueprints 2021-22 here to get an idea about the unit wise marking scheme for the given subjects:
AP Board Intermediate II Blueprints 2021-22
- AP Intermediate 2nd Year Botany Blueprints 2021-22
- AP Intermediate 2nd Year Maths IIA Blueprints 2021-22
- AP Intermediate 2nd Year Maths IIA Blueprints 2021-22
- AP Intermediate 2nd Year Chemistry Blueprints 2021-22
- AP Intermediate 2nd Year Commerce Blueprints 2021-22
- AP Intermediate 2nd Year History Blueprints 2021-22
- AP Intermediate 2nd Year Civics Blueprints 2021-22
- AP Intermediate 2nd Year Economics Blueprints 2021-22
Stay Tuned to the BYJU’S website to get more updates about the AP Board. Also, check out the AP Intermediate Grading System here.