Difference between Plasma and Tissue Fluid


Plasma is a viscous fluid containing 55% of the blood. About 90-92% of the plasma comprises water and 6-8% of proteins. The proteins include albumin, fibrinogen and globulins. Globulins help in the defensive mechanism, whereas albumins aid in the osmotic balance. Fibrinogen plays a major role in blood coagulation.

Plasma also has other components like glucose, minerals, lipids, etc.

Explore more: Plasma in blood

Tissue Fluid

When the blood flows through the blood vessel, many water-soluble particles along with water flows in between the cell spaces. They leave large proteins and a few elements in the blood vessels. The fluid released out from these intercellular spaces is called tissue fluid or interstitial fluid. It also has similar mineral distribution as plasma.

This fluid helps in the exchange of gases and nutrients between the cells and blood. Also, there is a lymphatic system to collect this fluid and drain it to the veins.

Also Read: Difference between Blood and Lymph

Difference between Plasma and Tissue Fluid


Tissue Fluid

Plasma is a straw-coloured fluid that makes more than half of the blood. It is a fluid that is found between the cell spaces of a tissue.
Its major role is to aid in blood coagulation during trauma or injury. Its major role is the exchange of nutrients and gases.
It has more protein molecules. It has a lesser amount of proteins.
It has less dissolved carbon dioxide. The fluid has more carbon dioxide content.
Plasma has more dissolved oxygen. It has less dissolved oxygen.
They constitute a small percentage of the total extracellular fluid. Tissue fluid constitutes a higher percentage than plasma.

Extended Reading: Difference between serum and plasma

Frequently Asked Questions


What is a serum?

Plasma contains fibrinogen which helps in blood coagulation. Some factors for coagulation are present in their inactive form. The serum is the plasma without the coagulation factor.

What is blood coagulation?

Blood coagulation is a mechanism to prevent excessive loss of blood during an injury. Usually, a clot happens at the site of injury. This is nothing but threads of fibrins, which trap the dead elements of the blood. The inactive fibrinogen in the plasma is activated by thrombin to form this fibrin.


What is lymph?

The lymphatic systems include a network of vessels that collect tissue fluid and drain it to the veins. The fluid in this lymphatic system is termed lymph. It is colourless and contains lymphocytes that help in immune responses. It also carries hormones and nutrients.


What is the composition of blood?

Blood is a connective fluid that has 55% of plasma content. The remaining 45% are formed elements. The formed elements include the leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets (thrombocytes).


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