Differences Between Rhizome and Tuber

An Overview

The rhizome and tuber are the modified stems that store food.

What is a rhizome?

Rhizomes are horizontal underground stems with non-green, fleshy, distinct nodes and internodes. These are brownish in colour and are auxiliary as well as apical buds. They contain terminal buds and run parallel to the ground

The common types of rhizomes are Alocasia indica, ginger and banana.

Rhizomes are also called root stalks, which usually grow perpendicular to the direction of the force of gravity, i.e. they grow horizontally. The rhizome rootstock grows vertically upwards instead of horizontally.

Also Read: Modifications of Root

What is a tuber?

The tuber is a fleshy part of the plant which stores food. Potato is the most common tuber largely used as food. The lower part of the potato gets covered by the earth where the adventitious branches grow. The tuber is covered with a number of depressions called “eyes”, and each eye represents a node.

Also Read: Modifications of Stem

Let’s learn some more differences between rhizome and tuber.

Rhizome and Tuber- Differences

Grows horizontally inside the soil Has fleshy roots
Rhizomes are thickened underground stems. Tubers are modified stems with starchy interiors
Nodes bear adventitious roots Nodes do not bear roots
Growth Habit
Rhizomes grow horizontally. Tubers do not have a well-organized growing habit.
Shape and structure
Rhizomes are pear-shaped. Tubers do not have a standard shape.
Smaller in size compared to tubers Larger in size than rhizomes.
Representative Plant Part
It is the underground stem. It is the underground modification of the stem.
Starch Composition
Rhizomes are low in starch content. Tubers are high in starch content.
Predominant classification cannot be found in Rhizomes. There are two types of tubers-stem and root tubers.
Rhizomes produce offspring. Tubers grow in size every year.
Asparagus, Bamboo, ginger, Lotus, the Venus Flytrap, turmeric, etc. Begonia, cassava, Dahlia, Oxalis, potato, sweet potatoes.

Also Refer: Difference between Corm and Bulb

This concludes some of the basic differences between rhizome and tuber. Stay tuned with BYJU’S Biology for more differences and other Biology related topics.

Frequently Asked Questions on Differences Between Rhizome and Tuber


What are rhizomes?

Rhizomes are horizontal underground stems with non-green, fleshy, distinct nodes and internodes. These are brownish in colour and are auxiliary as well as apical buds. They contain terminal buds and run parallel to the ground.


What are tubers?

The tuber is a fleshy part of the plant which stores food. The tuber is covered with a number of depressions called “eye” and each eye represents a node.


Give examples of rhizomes.

Asparagus, Bamboo, ginger, Lotus, the Venus Flytrap, and turmeric are examples of rhizomes.

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