Facts About Liver


The liver is one of the largest internal organs in the human body, weighing between 1.3 to 1.5kg in a healthy adult human. It performs many functions that include fighting infections, clotting blood, production of various hormones and proteins and more. Furthermore, because it secretes various chemicals, it is also a gland, or more precisely, a glandular organ. Read on to explore more fascinating facts you probably didn’t know about the liver.

Interesting Facts About Liver

  • Your liver has the amazing ability to regenerate:

If you were to remove up to 75% of your liver, the remaining 25% and regenerate to full size within 9 to 14 days. Also, it is one of the only internal organs that possess the power of regeneration.

  • The second largest organ in the body:

The liver is the second largest organ right after the skin, however, it is the largest internal organ and can weigh as much as a small chihuahua – between 1.3 to 1.5kgs.

  • Over 500+ Functions:

Other organs in the human body perform a single, specialized function. However, the liver has more than 500 functions, with more being discovered even now.

  • Blood Bank:

The liver holds up to 10% of the total blood in the body. It pumps almost 84 litres of blood through itself per hour.

  • Liver And the Brain:

The liver controls many essential processes that directly impact the brain. One such function is the regulation of ammonia and plasma glucose levels. If these are not regulated, the brain may lapse into a condition called hepatic encephalopathy and eventually into a coma.

  • Only in Vertebrates:

The liver is an organ found only among the vertebrates. It performs a similar function and possesses a similar structure. Everything from a blue whale to field mouse needs the liver to survive.

Explore BYJU’S to discover more facts on the liver or other interesting topics.

Further Reading:-

Role Of The Digestive Glands In Digestion
Human Anatomy – Human Body Parts and Systems
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