Hernia Symptoms

Overview of Hernia

Hernia is a condition where an organ or a tissue breaks through a weakened opening in the muscle. Most hernias are not life-threatening, but they require medical intervention for the symptoms to go away.

Usually, hernia occurs in the abdominal region, but can also occur at the navel, or near the thighs and the groin. An example of a hernia is the intestine breaking through a weakened spot through the tissues in the abdomen.

The most common hernias are inguinal hernias that are found mostly in men. Femoral hernias are prevalent in women. Ventral hernias occur in the midline of the abdomen. Hernias that occur at the site of a surgical scar are incisional hernias. Umbilical hernias are found mostly in babies and occur in association with the belly button.

Hernia is mainly caused due to pressure on some organ or intestines. When this pressure is applied to an area with weak tissues and muscles, it causes hernia.

Hernia Symptoms

As stated before, hernias are not immediately life-threatening, but they do need medical attention since they do not resolve on their own. Following are some of the hernia symptoms:

  1. Dull pain in the affected area
  2. Swelling in the affected area
  3. Burning sensation
  4. Bulging when inspecting the affected area
  5. Build-up of pressure

The usual treatment for a hernia is surgery, where, the bulging tissue or organ is pushed back into place and the wall is reinforced with stitches to provide structural strength and integrity.

Prevention of Hernia

Hernia can’t be avoided. Few are caused by genetic disorders that cannot be avoided in any case. The congenital diaphragmatic hernia is a genetic defect. However, the chances of getting a hernia can be reduced in the following ways:

  • Eat less
  • Reduce weight
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco
  • Avoid spicy food and food with high fibre content
  • Avoid lifting heavy-weight to reduce strain

To know more about hernia symptoms, its causes and prevention measures, keep visiting BYJU’S website or download BYJU’S app for further reference.

Further Reading:-

Diseases – Types of Diseases and their Symptoms Infectious Diseases



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