Leaf apex is the tip or protruding part of the leaf. The leaf apices can vary in shapes and sizes in different plants. Let us look at the different types of leaf apices found in plants.
Types of Leaf Apex
- Rounded: The leaf apex is rounded in shape. E.g., black locust
- Obtuse: The leaf apex is obtuse in shape. E.g., Colocasia gigantea
- Acute: The leaf apex has a short and sharp end point. E.g., hedge maple, china rose
- Acuminate: The leaf apex has a long drawn-out point. E.g., Alocasia macrorrhizos, Salvia
- Elliptical: The leaf apex ends in an elliptical shape. E.g., Magnolia
- Hooked: The leaf apex is distinctly hooked on one side. E.g., Bignonia unguis-cati
- Mucronate: The leaf apex ends in a short protruding point. E.g., Japanese barberry
- Truncate: In this type, the leaf apex abruptly terminates into a straight horizontal surface. E.g., Haworthia truncata
Importance of Leaf Apex
The leaf apex is the protruding part of the leaf where water droplets accumulate. The shape and size of the leaves vary according to precipitation and temperature.
Visit BYJU’S Biology for more information.
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