Scientific Name of Crocodile


Crocodiles belong to the order Crocodilia, which are large, semi-aquatic predatory reptiles. Members of this order are found in the tropics – especially Africa, Asia, Australia and America. From a biological perspective, the term crocodiles includes only the members from the family Crocodylidae. Though alligators superficially resemble crocodiles, they are quite different, and they belong to a different family – Alligatoridae. In this article, we shall focus on the family Crocodylidae and their characteristics.

Also known as “True crocodiles”, the family Crocodylidae has 3 genera and 14 species. The largest representatives of this family are the Nile crocodiles and the Saltwater crocodiles. One specimen in particular, a saltwater crocodile named Lolong was the largest crocodile to ever live in captivity. It was more than 20 feet long and weighed close to 2370 pounds (1075 kgs). Today, most well known crocodiles fall under the genus Crocodylus.

Selected List of Species

American crocodile

Crocodylus acutus

Borneo crocodile

Crocodylus raninus

Cuban crocodile

Crocodylus rhombifer

Freshwater crocodile

Crocodylus johnsoni

Hall’s New Guinea crocodile

Crocodylus halli

Mexican crocodile

Crocodylus moreletii

Indian crocodile

Crocodylus palustris

New Guinea crocodile

Crocodylus novaeguineae

Nile crocodile

Crocodylus niloticus

Orinoco crocodile

Crocodylus intermedius

Philippine crocodile

Crocodylus mindorensis

Saltwater crocodile

Crocodylus porosus

Siamese crocodile

Crocodylus siamensis

West African crocodile

Crocodylus suchus

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Frequently Asked Questions on Scientific Name of Crocodile


What is the scientific name of crocodile

True Crocodiles belong to the family Crocodylus, which has 3 genera and 14 species.


What is the scientific name of freshwater crocodile?

The scientific name of freshwater crocodile is Crocodylus johnsoni


What is the scientific name of Nile crocodile?

The scientific name of Nile crocodile is Crocodylus niloticus


What is the American crocodile’s scientific name?

The scientific name of American crocodile is Crocodylus acutus


What is the saltwater crocodile’s scientific name?

The scientific name of saltwater crocodile is Crocodylus porosus


What is the scientific name of Philippine crocodile?

The scientific name of Philippine crocodile is Crocodylus mindorensis


What is the scientific name of Indian crocodile?

The scientific name of Indian crocodile is Crocodylus palustris


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