Vegetative Propagation

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What is Vegetative Propagation?

Vegetative propagation is an asexual method of plant reproduction that occurs in its leaves, roots and stem. This can occur through fragmentation and regeneration of specific vegetative parts of plants.

Let us explore the different types of vegetative propagation and their examples in detail.

Types of Vegetative Propagation

Different types of vegetative propagation include:

Natural Vegetative Propagation

This occurs when plants grow and develop naturally without any human interference. Natural vegetative propagation can be enabled by the development of adventitious roots. Thus, new plants may emerge from the roots, stem and leaves of the parent plant.

The vegetative plant structures arising from the stem are known as rhizomes, bulbs, runners, tubers, etc. The plants propagated vegetatively are given below:


Runners grow horizontally above the ground. The buds are formed at the nodes of the runners.


New plants emerge out of swollen, modified roots known as tubers. Buds are formed at the base of the stem.


Leaves of a few plants get detached from the parent plant and develop into new plants.


Bulbs have an underground stem to which the leaves are attached. These leaves are capable of storing food. The centre of the bulb contains an apical bud that produces leaves and flowers. Shoots are developed from the lateral buds.

Also Read: Asexual Reproduction in Plants

Artificial Vegetative Propagation

This is a type of vegetative reproduction carried out by humans in the fields and laboratories. The most common types of vegetative reproduction occurring artificially include:


In this, a part of a plant, specifically a stem or leaf is cut and planted in the soil. These cuttings are sometimes treated with hormones to induce root development. The new plant is formed from the adventitious roots developing from the cutting.


In this, the cutting from some other plant is attached to the stem of a plant rooted in the ground. The tissues of the graft become integrated with the tissues of the rooted plant and develop as a single plant over time.


In this, the stem of the plant is bent to the ground and covered with soil. Adventitious roots emerge from the plant parts covered with the soil. This attached stem with developing roots is known as a layer.

Tissue Culture

In this, the plant cells from different parts of a plant are cultured in the laboratory to develop a new plant. This technique is helpful in increasing the number of rare and endangered plant species that are unable to grow under natural conditions.

Also Read: Tissue Culture

To know more about what is vegetative propagation and its types, keep visiting BYJU’S website.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Explain vegetative propagation.

The process in which new plants are grown from the old parts of another plant like roots, shoots and leaves, without involving any reproductive organ, is termed vegetative propagation.

List the advantages of vegetative propagation.

The advantages of vegetative propagation are:

a) The plants cultivated are genetically identical to their parents.
b) Plants can be cultivated faster as compared to growing them from seeds.


What are the disadvantages of vegetative propagation?

The disadvantages of vegetative propagation are:

a) Vegetative propagated plants are short-lived, small compared to seed propagated plants
b) No new varieties can be produced
c) Skilled persons are required and often expensive compared to seed propagation
d) More susceptible to diseases as the entire plant may get affected as there is no genetic variation

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  1. What is the example of vegetative propagation(natuaral)

  2. Explain about Bryophyllum please

    • How is fragmentation different from regeneration? Can all multicellular organism
      undergo fragmentation? Give reason to support your answer

    • Bryophyllum is a common succulent garden plant. The leaves at the margins develop adventitious roots which later give rise to a whole new plant. This plant is an example of vegetative reproduction through leaves

  3. I want to know the defination on vegetative propagation in leaves.

  4. Very helpful. Thank you, Would have been better if you would have mention examples for each type of vegetative propagation.


  6. One of the natural ways of vegetative reproduction takes place in

  7. Hello, teachers more examples of vegetative propagation is onion, sugarcane,carrot,and potatoes.

  8. 👍👍👍 great

  9. What are the methods of propagation

  10. advantages of vegetative propagation??

    • Vegetative reproduction is a faster process and helps in increasing the yield. It produces identical plants, hence, the desirable traits can be maintained in the offspring. There is no dependency on pollination or production of viable seeds.

    • Need help for 12th studies

  11. It helped me a lot